
Whats the most effective martial art?

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i dont care if it involves submission


but i mean whats the best if i get jumped?

karate is great but theres alot of black belts who blow at fighting

but lets say i get jumped coming home from school

or im in a bar and i get attacked by 3 guys?

whats the best for taking them out and getting away




  1. if your looking for a direct, quick and easy to learn self defense style then krav maga and if you can find a CDT instructor then that would be the most effective. But if your in it for the long run, a kenpo blend is a good base for martial art beginners.    

  2. I'd say muay thai and a combination of just dirty stuff like head butts, eye gouging, kick in the nuts.You don't really want to grapple with someone if you get jumped by three guys cause the other 2 are gonna beat the snot out of you.Check this out lol:

  3. Look, I've been doing Martial Arts for the better part of 13 years and I've studied many different styles and under may different masters and senseis. I know exactly what you are talking about when you talk about those Karate 5th den black belts getting their asses handed to them in a normal street fight and it's not just a problem with Karate, it's an fundamental flaw of almost all the arts. The problem is RULES, yes, I said rules. In controlled martial arts, in a dojo, training with others you are not allowed to actually HIT one another. I mean you make contact but it's a controlled hit where you don't exhert a whole alot of power because you're only training you're not trying to hurt the other person. So once this Black Belt gets out to running his mouth in the streets and gets hit with a full power shot for the first time in their lives, they freeze up because they are not used to feeling the pain and in that single second of panic the other guy takes control and just totally dominates and hurts the black belt really bad.

    Anyway, to answer your question, if you're looking to just get away from your attackers then you want to look into something like Aikido, it's a realitively new art that was founded in the late 1800'5/ early 1900's it's considered a "soft" art because there are no real blows or strikes, it's mainly using your opponents own energy against him to blow them around you and gives you the chance to get away. If you want to stand there and be a bad *** and beat those other fool's down then you need to look into a "hard" art, such as karate, Taekwondo, Muay-Thai, Kenpo, Eskrima, Krav Maga or something along those lines. Just remember to always train with pain, as in let someone actually hit you so that you can feel and get used to what it is you're going to feel in a REAL street fight. If you start training with Knives, let someone cut you so that you know what blood looks like, what the blade feels like and so that you get used to seeing you're own blood, otherwise if the first time it happens is in a real fight you're going to panic and you're going to lose, PERIOD.

    And always remember, Jeet Kune Do, yes this was the art that Bruce Lee taught while he was alive but he actually admitted to never actually teaching a certain art, he taught his PHILOSOPHY. That's what Jeet Kune Do is, they are just words that mean do whatever it takes. So if you need to get that chair and hit the guy with it to win then do it. Do whatever is needed to get the job done. The Master himself, Bruce Lee, said this of his OWN words and in HIS BOOK.

  4. krav maga or sambo

    those are sports that take a relatively short time to learn compared to karate or taekwondo or jujitsu which require tons of time in order to perfect a "new" technique.  while krav maga teaches how to use your normal reflexes effectively.

  5. I'm on board with several of the other members here.

    Krav Maga is in my opinion the best martial arts form to be able to actually defend yourself and live.

    Good luck and don't get hurt.

  6. ju jitsu, tae kwon do

  7. the best one is the one that saves you life or limb in a real situation.

  8. No I got it: Jeet Kune Do Concepts

    Made up of various styles of Gong-Fu, Kali, Savate, Muay Thai, Judo/Jiu-jutsu, catch wrestling, Greco-Roman, BJJ, Sambo, various other wrestling styles, Dumog & Kino Mutai

    4 Ranges of JKD

    5 Ways of Attack

  9. Japanese police officers cannot get promoted until they have demonstrated a certain level of proficiency in Aikido.  Those are some very polite, very scary dudes.

  10. Take a look at this:;...

    I will say this -- you sound like you've got a good head on your shoulders. You didn't say you wanted to beat the snot out of them or whatever, but said you wanted to get away. I hope you genuinely mean that.

    Whatever you train in, train yourself to move away after the technique and you'll do well.

  11. probably krav maga because it is focused on street fighting.

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