
Whats the most fimiliar volleyball injuries?

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Whats the most fimiliar volleyball injuries?




  1. sprained ankles and if ur a setter maybe a sprained fringer(or two)

  2. Lots of jammed fingers, lots of broken or sprained ankles, many shoulder injuries in that rotator cuff area from serving and hitting, I've seen some knee injuries like ACL tears, and of course you get the spikes to the face on occasion in intense games. Bruising is also a big part of volleyball when you first start to play and rolling on the floor and diving and such.

  3. Most injuries occur to the ankle, or fingers. If u are the libero, though, u might have something more serious. I have ankle problem, and im a setter...most strong hitters have ankle problems, and most setters hurt their fingers often. :)

  4. I have gotten hurt three times on the volleyball team. Once I got spiked in the face and my nose broke. I sprained my wrist from an awkward spike and I have sprained my ankle from landing on it when I dove for a ball.

  5. The most common vball injuries are probably sprained ankles from landing on another player while hitting or blocking.  Common minor injuries to the fingers (dislocation/sprains/breaks) also occur pretty frequently.

    The more serious injuries are blown ACL/MCL ligaments in the knees, torn Achilles tendons, and torn rotator cuffs.  Landing on a volleyball can result in a pretty severe knee or ankle injury.  Years of swinging at a ball (especially improperly) can lead to major shoulder problems too.

    Lifelong players have other issues, usually in their backs.  I am only 26 and had a spinal surgery at 22 from volleyball.  The frequent compressions as well as torquing in the air can cause disk compressions, or in my case, herniated discs.

  6. ACL, rotator cuff, sprained ankles, sprained/jammed fingers, concussions.....  those are probably the most common

  7. the most common minor injury would probably be floor burn. OUCH!! but most injuries happen in the fingers, hands, wrists, shoulders, knees, ankles, and heels.

    but dont let that scare you. play and be safe. =)

  8. ankle sprains to prevent this u can get ankle guards like active ankles

  9. for setter.. it's probably be a sprained thumb and for a lot of passers on my team.. they usually injury their ankle somehow..

  10. Its a while since I played volleyball but my hands especially my thumbs used to cane something terrible after a game.... Never had any other injury though apart from a spained ankle once

  11. I'd say the ball could hit you in the face

  12. Over the 12 years I played I saw:

    Rolled/Fractured/Broken Ancle's

    Broken Knees

    Torn ACL

    Pulled Muscules

    Broken Fingers

    Bloody/Broken Nose

    Minor Cuts/Scrapes

    The biggest bleeder was a girl who was wearing earings and got it caught in the net. It didn't pull all the way through... but eww... did it bleed. Yuck.

    Another common injury is getting hit in "tender" areas with the ball.

  13. I think pulling a muscle in your arm after serving a while, or your wrists hurting after a bad set or something.

  14. ball in the face

    broken fingers from bad sets and spikes

    twisted ankles from landing after a spike or block

  15. Rotator cuff and elbow tendinitis are the most common. Both can be limited with therapy such as laying on your side, keep your elbow at your waste and slowly lower a 2-5 lb dumbbell to the floor and raise above parallel . repeat this for 2 sets of 12 reps. 3-4 times a week for your shoulder. Try massage and ice or  elect. stim session's for your elbow. Always warm up your joints before a hard serve or spike. Good luck.

  16. volleyball-hits-my-nuts injuries!!! it hurts!!!.....

  17. I've busted both ankles and sprained a few fingers.

    Overwise most common would be being hit by the ball.

  18. fingers, knee, ankle, arm, acctually i think anything lol

  19. the ankle probably but they have braces for them

  20. There are many common volleyball injuries.  I've seen a lot of people injure their knees, usually their ACL.  A lot of volleball players also hurt their ankles, usually from a sprain.  I've personally injured my ankle and knee, but nothing too serious.  If the injury is minor enough, some stretching and weight lifting can help fairly quickly.  Also, ankle and knee braces work wonders after an injury to help with stability and to prevent another injury.  

    Another common injury is to the head due to diving on the floor or "facials," or having the ball hit you in the face.  Depending on the intensity of the head injury, it can sometimes cause a concussion.  In this case, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound, naussea, and an extreme headache may occur.  If this happens, lie down but do not fall asleep.  Have someone check your pupils with a flashlight (if you have a concussion, the pupils will not contract).  Check with a doctor and take it easy for a while, depending on the seriousness of the concussion.

  21. Most injuries have been already been mentioned, but here are several that haven't.

    Splitting your chin open on a dive. A lot of players I know have a scar on their chin from diving wrong.

    Getting elbowed by a sucky blocker. Blockers who bring their arms down on their sides after a block can give you a wicked elbow to the face/head.

    I've heard that someone died while playing volleyball because they got elbowed in their temple. I don't know if it's true or not, but it shows the importance of good mechanics.

  22. I would say alot of twisted ankles and sore hands or arms

    also the ball could hit you in the face.  :)

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