
Whats the most healthy and also quickest way to lose 30 lbs fast?

by  |  earlier

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i have actually 2 weeks. its very stressful i am like the only big teen in my family. i am trying to lose 30 lbs and not because of my family or anyone else for my self I'm willing to do what i need to in however long it takes.....i just don't know how to get started




  1. There's no healthy quick ways to lose weight. Especially when it's like 20 lbs or more. I mean, you can go on these crash diets and lose it, but then the second you turn around, it's all back. The best way to lose it and keep it off, which I'm sure you want to do, is to eat smaller portions of your meals and eat every 3 to 4 hours. Don't eat after 7 pm though, it's not healthy for ya. And exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week. Cardio definitely at least 3 times a week. Here's my workout:

    *Mon, Wed, Fri*

    Back Extension 2 12-15  

      Crunches with Twist 2 12-15  

      Modified Pushups 2 12-15  

      Wall Pushups 2 12-15  

      Lying Adduction 2 12-15  

      Standing Abduction 2 12-15  

      Stretch After Strength Training

    *Tue, Thur, Sat*

    Cardio for 1 hour



    I have 50 lbs to lose and I'm giving myself 5 months to lose it. It's a healthy and realistic goal and in the end it'll stay off. Also, go to this site it's awesome! It's free to create and account and they will design a workout routine and meal plan for you. Hope this helps and good luck!!

  2. Try this, its a gud way to lose 3-5kgs in 7 days. It’s a start, the rest is upto you after this with help of exercise.

    day 1 - only fruits (avoid bananas & milk)

    day 2 - only veggies (avoid any kinda oil or fat)

    day 3 - mix of fruit & veggies (avoid any kinda oil or fat or bananas & milk)

    day 4 - only bananas & milk nothing else

    day 5 - u feast on a cup of rice & six tomatoes & 12 glasses of water

    day 6 - only veggies & 1cup of rice

    day 7 - 1 cup rice, fruit juice and the vegetables you care to consume. Tomorrow morning you will be 3-5 Kgs lighter than 1 week ago.

    Things to remember & (strictly) follow during the seven day program:

    •No smoking or drinking during this period

    •Drink a lot of water during the diet period (minimum of 8 to 10 glasses per day)

    •Strictly no oily food or in-between junk food during the diet period

    •No tea or coffee during these 7days with milk or sugar, if required u can have a cup a day of black tea or coffee

    •No sweet food during the diet period

    •Any cooking done needs to have less salt, less oil but can have condiments to make the food taste better

    • Do not continue this diet after seven days. This can be done only once in 3months.

    •Trust in your diet, it will show you the difference

  3. I don't think it's possible for you to lose 30 lbs in 2 weeks. In order for you to lose weight you just need to have a healthy diet and exercise a few days a week. I learned that walking, jogging, jump rope. jumping jacks and crunches are the best way to tone your body and lose the weight. I'm not to my ideal weight either but it does work. Dieting, in my opinion, is not a good option unless you are going to stick to that diet for the rest of your life. Just exercise and eat smaller portions/healthier and you should see results.

  4. you can't lose 30 lbs quickly and fast when you wish.  it's an ongoing process which needs to be kept up.  to begin

    good diet


    no smoking/junk food

    see the answer to your question is very very simple.  it's only doing it that is hard.

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