
Whats the most important thing on your wedding day?

by Guest11110  |  earlier

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Also just a little advice... How much does it cost to rent out a nice bar place....




  1. Keeping your cool.  Not everything will necessarily turn out exactly as you thought.  It's important not to let unimportant details wreck your day.  In the end, the only thing that matters is that you are married.

  2. Finding out that all that planning you did was worth it, and came out just the way you wanted it.  

  3. Apparently it is being sober, I was told....

  4. getting married - don't forget!

  5. Getting bladdered

  6. For you to know exactly what you're getting into. If you're getting cold feet, re-examine if this is the person you want to be with for the rest. of. your. life. This isn't something to be taken lightly, and you should be happy. Second- no regrets. Third- remember that your spouse to be isn't perfect and there will be problems, as in every relationship. Learn how to deal with them in an adultlike manner. Fourth- love. This person has to make you happy. Fifth- responsibility. Will he/she respect you about issues and things or will it turn into a huge fight? Sixth- enjoying yourself. Be happy with this person!! Seventh- your outfit. lol. just kidding. and Eighth........................YOU!  

  7. The groom, my love being right there with me to share every moment!

  8. the bride/groom turning up

  9. the Groom  

  10. That you are marrying your soulmate. In relation to venues prices vary just call some and ask.

  11. knowing you are both prepared for the marriage and not just the wedding day

  12. Getting married!

  13. you wanna rent the whole thing out??

    that's a lot of money... it might cost

    around $20-$30 per person

    depending entirely on

    the bar and that kinda stuff

    but the most important thing on

    your wedding is that you know for

    sure youre marrying the right guy...

    haha don't stress it i have seen way

    to many brides get really stressed and

    have an awful wedding because they

    try to over do themselves

    good luck i hope it's wonderful!!

  14. which question you need an answer?

    ok ill answer the main question...the most important thing on my wedding day is the saying of the vow..

  15. the most important thing on your wedding day is that both bride and groom are there and that they both want to be there and when they say their vows they both mean it with all of their heart. other than that nothing else matters.

    the bar place really depends on where you want to rent it, ring a couple of places to get an idea

  16. The other person.  In 30 years, none of the rest of it will matter -- except whether you married the right guy.

  17. my groom seeing him at the altar waiting for my to say I do to him & smiling at me  

  18. that you love each other and know its not a mistake

  19. Marring the love of your life. And after that the honeymoon....then a little you know what in the hotel room!

  20. The mother of the bride apparently!

  21. The most important thing was to have fun.

    The costs of renting different places vary widely, call the places you're interested in and ask.

  22. The Groom

    and then the photographer to capture all the memories

  23. the look on the groom's face as you walk down the isle

  24. Nothing else really matters except that you are compatible with each other in every way and that what you are entering into is for LIFE !!! The venue, guests, dresses, all that other c**p that people these days take so seriously and get stressed out over, come way down the list of what's important. We 'tied the knot' on a rainy Saturday with only witnesses present, 33 years ago, with no trimmings, but because we were right for each other, we survive together. Good Luck, and have a nice life together

  25. bangin in da bungalow

  26. that you ready to be married to that one

    one person  & and fully committed with no

    doubts in mind.

    it should be one of the happiest days of

    your life. =)

  27. That You are happy and doing what you want to do.

    They all range a lot get on a wedding site locator's site to find one in your area.

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