
Whats the most important trait that that you look for in the opposite s*x?

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Whats the most important trait that that you look for in the opposite s*x?




  1. Im a guy so women - stop breathing fire in my face for something small when your PMSing.

    So someone who is kind.

  2. Kindness

  3. Their Smile

  4. Their sense of humor.

  5. There are so many traits I look for in a guy so it is hard to choose just one that is the most important. Among the most important, to me anyway, are:  honesty, faithfulness, hygiene, sense of humor, stability in job/life/emotions, how well gets along with friends and family, how they treat others. I am sure there are other things, but I cannot think of all of them right now.

  6. Do they take care of themself. Hygene. Outgoing, friendly.

  7. They have to be able to make me laugh.

  8. Intelligence.............

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