
Whats the most racist joke you ever heard?

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But it was so funny you couldn't help but LAUGH even though it was offensive.




  1. How do you call a who steals? a

  2. What if their black jokes? you won't like it, trust me.

    But here goes:  Why do black people wear big hats? .....So birds won't s**+* on their lips!!!

    How do white people that live in trailer parks find their mates?

    They look through the family album.

    What do you do when you see an Asian driving a car?

    Run like h**l!!

  3. How long does it take a black woman to take a dump?

    Nine months

  4. wow

    everyone just went to the black jokes.....

  5. How do you know that Adam wasn't black?

    Answer: Ever tried to take a rib from a black man before!?

    What is a word that starts with N and ends with R that you never want to call a black person?

    Answer: Neighbor.

  6. Black guys wear huge pants because their butts are too huge ....

    Lmao@stop complaining  

  7. In some medication bottles, why is there cotton on top of the pills?

    to remind black people that they picked cotton before dealing drugs

  8. What are three things you can't give a Ne-gro?

    A black eye, a fat lip, or a job.

    How do you blind an Asian woman?

    Put a windshield in front of her.

    What's the difference between a Mexican and an iron bench?

    An iron bench can support a family.

    What do you call a black guy with no hands?


  9. thanks for reminding me that racism is alive and well boys! ;)

  10. Here are some I've heard. They're bad and luckily I didn't LAUGH OUT LOUD when I read/heard them!

    Here goes:

    1. Why are black peoples nostrils so big? Because that's what God held them by when he was painting them.

    2. What do you call 4 Black guys in a car? Tinted windows.

    3. Why are all black people fast? Because all the slow ones are in jail.

    4. What did the black kid get for Christmas? Your TV.

    5. What's long and hard on a Black man? First grade.

    6. What do you call a Black guy with a fan? An antique air conditioner.

    7. What does a Black person have in common with a soda machine? They both don't work and always take your money.

    8. Why don't Black women wear any panties to picnics? To keep the flies off the chicken.

    9. Why don't Black kids play in sand boxes? Because they're afraid cats will try to cover them up.

    10. What can't you give a Black person in a fight? A black eye or a busted lip.

    11. Why did God give Black guys big dicks? Because he felt sorry for putting pubes on their heads.

    12. Whats the difference between a Black person and tyres? When you put chains on tyres they don't sing.

    13. Why are Black peoples' hands white? Because they're always leaning up aganst cop cars.

    14. What's the difference between a Black guy and a pothole? You swerve around a pothole.

    15. What is it called when a Black women is in labour? Constipation.

    Hope this doesn't offend anyone!

  11. Cant say

  12. what do you call a thousand white poeple jumping from an airplane


    what do you call 4 mexicans in quicksand?

    cuatro sinko

    did you know asians are the only poeple that can be blindfolded with dental floss


    d**n yall were quick to jump to the racist black poeple jokes

  13. why are asians so skinny?

    cos they always go to the library


    a black lady and asian guy had a baby . the doctor was like ive got some good and bad news for you. the good news: your child is white . bad news: its asian.

    ok these are so lame lol but ye der pretty racist.

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