
Whats the most ruged sailboat made in the 25-30' range?

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unsinkable, can't capsize, take a pounding from a 60' wave...built like a submarine etc.




  1. Here's  a snippet about a very special boat...

    Blondie sailed in a modified Nordic Folkboat called Jester, one of the smallest boats in the race, and finished second taking 48 days to cross the Atlantic. The Nordic Folkboat class was designed in Scandinavia and is an extremely seaworthy long keeled 25 ft (7.68 m) long yacht. Blondie bought Jester some years prior to the first OSTAR and specified modifications such as a fully decked top with two circular holes in the cabin top set on a standard Folkboat hull.

    Try this link for starters....


    These guys make outstanding boats.

    A bit pricey, but very stout, well designed and efficient.

    I've always wanted a Flicka (Pacific Seacraft), check 'em out.

    I've always heard good things about the late '60's (and maybe early '70's) Colombia 28' to 36' (42'?)sailboats.

    They were overglassed (like the Tritan) and functional.

    There is nothing fashionable about these boats, they are function only (ugly boat, great reliability).

    Unsinkable? Nothing is unsinkable.

    Can't capsize?

    Take a pounding from a 60' wave? On a good day.

  3. There is no sailboat made that fits those criteria.

    Maybe you could mount a short mast on one of these:

  4. the most rugged i know of is the 25'-35' Contessa series of boats. this class was given the ultimate test in the 1978 Fassnet race in which the boats in the race were caught in a massive gale that sank several boats but the contessa's came out of it with minor to no damage. Another rugged class is the westwind class of boats though these are very expensive. these boats have survived hurricanes.

  5. Pacific Seacraft Dana, or an Able(out of Maine)

  6. Carl Alberg designed several boats ranging in size from 22 to 37 feet; all of them tanks. the 22 comes in at 3.4 tons, 100 pounds heavier than my 28 foot fin keel.  All the albergs are full keel with supported rudders and are designed as blue water cruisers.  They're not especially fast nor are they very roomy.  BUT they will get the job done and are held in high regard by the cruising fraternity.  Nothing is indestructible, but God knows that they tried this time.

  7. unsinkable, cant capsize........60 foot waves? you're talking a USCG surfboat like they use on the Columbia River could put a mast on it..back in the 60's some lifeboats rigged with sails stumbled into ST Thomas on world cruises, but I do believe there was a lot of self medication involved......

    In the range you're looking at..over 30 years of looking at fiberglass boats..and fixing em..I am continuing amazed at the Pearson Triton or the Alberg 30....the Triton especially is about 30 years old now, built like the brick you know what house, have been sailed hard all over the place with little or no hull damage....back then they weren't sure how thin to make a glass a stock production boat to cut costs and go fast in day races will, on a28 foot hull, have a hull about 1/4 inch thick. The Triton's are 3/4 inch and as close to indestructible as you will see. Fair amount of room, Phil Rhodes design very good sailors..

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