
Whats the most sexually explicit non-pornographic movie?

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Caligola, is the worst i've seen.




  1. Bully

  2. Heavy Metal, The movie...

  3. The Lover

    Monster's Ball

  4. The Color of Night with Bruce Willis. It has a very good story line to it.

  5. But Caligula was rated X and was deemed pornographic, although it mixed its pornography with thinly veiled political metaphors. Basically, you're searching for a paradox. Any movie that is sexually explicit is almost automatically deemed pornographic, so the "most" sexually explicit movie would almost certainly have to be pornographic yet if a movie is "non-pornographic" it seems illogical that it could also have great sexual explicitness. A paradox is something that is true yet seems impossible, and I believe a few films made to be shown to high school and college audiences that graphically demonstrate how the A.I.D.S. virus can be spread and how it cannot would fill your bill; those films had scenes which would get them an x-rating but their intention was not prurient. They were also not meant to be shown to general audiences and were used for educational purposes.  

  6. Torque

    Pirates (not POTC)

    Both the unrated versions.....

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