
Whats the most shocking or scariest thing thats happened to you?

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Last night i left the window open with it being so warm,a pigeon flew in this morning when i was asleep,i nearly died with shock when i woke to see it in the corner and it flew out.Never been so scared in my life lol




  1. When I had what scientists call sleep paralysis. I was just newly married and my husband and I were asleep in our first apartment.

    Anyways,I woke up,but could not move a muscle,only my eyes. As I looked to the doorway to our bedroom,I saw a shadowy figure,just floating in the air. It was no light coming through the window to make that shadow appear. The figure had no eyes,just empty holes.

  2. falling off a cliff

  3. When I was 10 years old, I was disturbing one of my Uncle Mike's dogs, he was biting at me, even bit one of my fingers, and d**n did it hurt.

    It took almost two months for the wound on my finger to heal.

  4. Once I was at a petting zoo and I saw the cutest little pony!  So I went over to the pony and I started scratching it's head.  I guess it either didn't want to be disturbed or I was just scratching the wrong spot because guess what it did.  It whipped around and grasped my leg in its teeth.  I screamed like there was no tomarrow!  But it didn't break the skin.  There was a huge bruise there for like three weeks.

  5. I lacerated my thigh pretty bad with the fresh blade in my carpet knife -- it was oiled and ready to go. It wasn't life threatening or anything, but I faded in an out of conciousness just at the sight of it. It was a deep, nasty cut, and it required a cardiac specialist to sew it shut, because the skin was so tight, it had to be squeezed and stretched back into position.

  6. LOL..

    Scariest moment for me was probably when my brother nearly drowned. WOW it really makes you consider life, and where its heading.  

  7. I have a fireplace in my bedroom and twice a pigeon has flown down the chimney into my room. It took such a while to lure it out of the window and was probably more frightened than I was. Following that a bat flew down into the lounge through the fireplace and was circling the room with an ear piercing scream.  

    The gentleman next door was visited by a rat entering into his house, had to call a rat catcher to extricate it, that was pretty horrible. A badger once died in the middle of the lawn. Snotty is braver than I and picked it up and placed into the garbage drum, a braver one than I.

    Went through a period a few years ago whereby pigeons would fly at my car and die on my bonnet or be crushed under the wheels. That was pretty horrible. Twice this week a black cat has crossed the road whilst I was driving. Dead foxes and squirrels little the streets about me as we live in the forest.

    Went to see a house with a pond directly outside the rear door many years ago. Heard a splash and looked into the pond laughing to see my little two year old toddler floating at the bottom. Shock spurred me to reach in and pull him out before he drowned, that was pretty horrific. Ponds placed directly outside rear door are unlucky.

    You think you have it bad ... !

  8. Well, this is a bit hard to describe...oh how my head hurts...but I'll do my best because my Cheerios are telling me...yea, I'm doing it! do so. Anyway, there I am, it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 4:00 in the morning...stop pinching me like that!'s misting and I'm in a secluded corner of a park, bent over, seriously concentrated on stuffing the small intestines of my former girl-friend...some one get that phone!...up her anal cavity with a good-sized branch I had just broken off a tree. The thing's going relatively well, considering...will some one please pick up that phone...I didn't really have time to prepare the way I should have (I had to rip her open with my keys rather than a nice clean cut with a straight razor)...yea, ok, but don't touch the green ones...but the strong smell is making me light-headed. Well, you know how it is when you're really into something, bent on getting it done, you're not paying any attention to what's going on around you. You're kind of...if zets are mets and wiggits are wumps than a zone. You know what I mean? In a state of grace. Well, there I am, up to my knees and elbows in blood and gore, totally tuned in to what I got going on when, out of the, no, no, first you have to bite the head off...I get slapped in the face with a Large Mouth Bass. "What the fu..!?" I'm thinking. Only to look up and see Bozo the Clown, holding that huge fish in his hands, standing there watching me with a grin that made my s*****m crawl. "You saving that all for yourself there par?" He asks. "Or can I have me some the white meat?"...there's that dang ringing again...I hate clowns. I always have. They scare...God, does my head hurt...the be-jesus out of me. I'm telling you I just about filled may pants with pudding right then and there!

  9. I was talking with my friend when we r having our break, 5 minutes later a grenade was thrown  at us  and he did not manage to dodge. So i saw his mutilated body without his head. I was in trauma for shock for a week. Just imagine that u were talking with ur dude and all the sudden u saw him dead without a head.

    " stupid Iraq war"-

    Us army 10th division

  10. omg hahahah that is scary! ummm. prob ...

    one time i was in this canyon on vacation, and like, it started rianing, but not only RAIN but HAIL!!! and so we got of the path and on the other side of this small river. now this SMALL. RIVER. turned into like  a 5 foot high stream in a matter of about 10 or 20 minutes. so we were stuck on the other side of the "stream". eventualy we decided to go thro the water cuz my parents and i had been huddled together (no jackets, it was such a nice day before it), and we had to cross the water holding onto this tree branch. SOOOOO FREAKING SCARY! and then we saw a lil red sign that said ENTER and we got out but it was THE most terrifiing thing EVER!

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