
Whats the most shots you have done in one night?

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Whats the most shots you have done in one night?




  1. i can't remember ,    lol  ha ha ha ha ha   !

  2. If you can remember you haven't done enough - or are lying.

  3. 13. Good night, bad morning.  

  4. a whole bottle. how many shots is that? um, to wasted to remember.

  5. 7---it was enough to get me there and then some

  6. It wasn't worth the two day hangover

  7. Dozens.  Hurts the next day.

  8. about 300ml of tequilla in shots.

    i was doing push ups after. that's all i can remember then i passed out. good thing it was just my female friends there. nothing too embarassing.

  9. I can't remember so I must have had quite a few.

  10. none and im glad

  11. 10!!!

  12. 8 shots of After shock.... fell asleep as soon as i downed the last one.. i couldnt walk

    that was when i was just turned 18 at a new years party... that was funny...  

  13. I did 6 once in a half an hour...not smart.

  14. 16.  I would have done more but my buddies came and got me and we moved to another bar (in a casino) where I went back to mixed drinks.  

  15. zip :)

  16. 13 jack daniels grosss but i felt like a man in like ummmm two hours i was lost

  17. I don't remember... I was in a blackout.

  18. 10 I think or something like that

    I'm only 120 lbs so I was in a drunken stupor pretty much

    freshman year at fdu good times but that school is 50& alcoholic jocks and 50% segregated minorities.

    CCM all the way man, Harvard of the hill!

  19. 0

  20. my ex did 14 shots of pure vodka, and still didn't get drunk.

    pretty stupid actualy.

  21. 7 in 15 minutes


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