
Whats the most snarf embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? snarf snarf?

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  1. Decode this lyrics " I have a dream"

    Poof !

    Puff the magic dragon.

    It turn into smokes and ashes in time.

    How did that happen?

    Decode this lyrics " Do you know"

    What went wrong out there?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  2. I was in an Indian Restaurant with my ex many moons ago and was sitting against the wall on a soft bench, stupidly i thought the bench ran all along the wall, moving to go to the loo I budged myself along the bench and went flying and shouted all over the place aaahhhhhhh, i had to stay in the loo for about 20 minutes coz i couldn't stop myself laughing even tho i was in agony and bruised for about a week

  3. My god! being a female just sucks.....

  4. Got caught snarfing a girls bike seat.

  5. Couldn't publicly

  6. to dave s a snarf is someone who gets on our two penny bits.

    Are you taking your tablets?

    In answer the worst time was a few chrimbo's ago, when  I leant over to the swede and my beard caught fire on the candle.

  7. What the fu c k is a snarf?????????

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