
Whats the most unique thing about your pet?

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i'll best whoever makes me go, 0.0




  1. My bunny is friends with both my cats, but my younger cat likes to chase the bunny (never attacks just chases) and after awhile the bunny just gets annoyed and jumps several times and flips in a circle. (Rabbits commonly do this while urinating to mark territory when they have not been altered...thankfully she doesnt urinate) So essentialy, my bunny is trying to pee on my cats

    A bunny way of saying p**s off eh?

  2. If I am on the phone too long (in her opinion) my cat puts her paw on the disconnect button! I have no idea how she figured that one out.

    If I am spending time typing on my computer she tends to jump on the keyboard to interrupt me.

    She was feral when I got her, and totally afraid of humans. I seduced her into trusting me using catnip. Now she is Miss Velcro Kitty around me, and insists on my petting her. If I don't, she engages in attention seeking behaviour(usually scratching something nearby) until I do respond to her. She is still afraid of almost everybody else, but beginning to trust my granddaughter after several years.

  3. all three of my cats will stick there paw into the water dish and l**k the water off there paw. i have a cat that even does that with his food.

  4. if u put peanut butter on her intire face she can l**k it all off her toung can go all the way to the back of her head it looks sooooo hilarious

  5. My parakeet Pee Wee constantly asked questions, What are you doing? What are you cooking? What are you drinking? Where you been? etc. and he said many other things and many times in the right context. I never had a parakeet to talk so much and ask questions....I would answer him like he was a small child.   Sometimes he would hear something one time on a tv show and repeat it a week later because he liked the way it sounded.  He died last week and he was a real joy to have around.

  6. I have a potty trained rat. I bought a chinchilla as a boy, thought nothing of it, then "he" had a baby. And I have a bunny that growls. :)

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