
What`s the most unusual thing you`ve ever found in your kitchen. ?

by  |  earlier

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Once, when we stayed in S. Africa we found an elephant in ours.




  1. Well its not something we found but what the people who bought our old house probably found.  They drove us mad before they bought our house - always ringing at odd hours and always popping in to take measurements etc and generally they took the right p*$$.  As a joke we said we'd get a kipper and hide it under the carpet when we left - but it was only a joke we didn't really intend to do it.  Anyway a couple of weeks before we moved out, my husband saw something from the corner of his eye which looked like a squirrel run in through the cat flap and head towards the kitchen cupboards, we had a look but couldn't find anything so we assumed it had got out again.  It wasn't until the day we moved out and opened the end cupboard in the kitchen that a dreadful rotting kind of stench emerged, we soon realised it was the poor squirrel which must have got trapped and died behind the cupboard, so our hapless buyers must have found a dead, rotting squirrel corpse in their new kitchen, and we saved a few bob on a kipper lol!

  2. My wife!!!! And I hadnt even given her the map

  3. A live hand grenade! It was actually a neighbours kitchen and their 6yo son found it in the garden and brought it in to show them, they asked me to come and have a look as they didn't know what it was.

  4. An Alien called "Spliggy-spliggy-spuggy-doooooooooooooo"

  5. A vegetarians pizza.


    I put some ham on it and bunged it in the oven.

    Soon sorted that problem out.

  6. Me.  Because I am hopeless at all tasks that are normally carried out in the kitchen.

  7. A frog living under the kitchen sink! We'd randomly hear it ribbit when you went near!

  8. I found a snake tail coming out of the kitchen cupboard this morning.  I thought it was some plastic insect someone had put in there to play a trick on me, but no, it was a really big grass snake.

    The cat must have caught it and brought it in.

  9. dinner.

  10. Your mom naked....what.

  11. something in the refrigerator other than beer and ketchup

  12. food.............

  13. my neighbour sleepwalking. he was looking in my fridge.

    well that's what he told me anyway, sleepwalking. lol

    personally i think he had the munchies. lol

  14. Two men doing the washing up after a dinner party. One from Turkey and the other from Chili. What happened to macho man?

  15. Lol,u found an elephant??

    But how did it get in?????

    The most unusual thing i ever found in my kitchen is...





  16. Cleanliness.  :O

  17. My man in the nude.

  18. an envelope in the cupboard :S tehe

  19. my husband :)))))

  20. A stick insect,clinging to the stem of a bag of vine tomatoes-nearly had a fit when the "vine" crawled up my arm!

  21. JESUS!! ahhaha  

    :) jk

  22. my boyfriend washing the dishes!!!

  23. A toad sitting on the table.

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