
Whats the most you could make per hour without a college degree?

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i am from an entreprenuer kind of family and never went to college for anything--always thought i would be my own boss..

but now i want to try out the corporate world and the rat race for once..but i never went to college (i only have entreprenuer skills) whats the most that a person (with no education) could make per hour??

i don't want to settle for anything less than $18 an hour (and i am from PA) any ideas??? (professional jobs only please)




  1. I am in NJ, have a BA, several years of experience and I cannot touch 18/hour. The companies are just not paying. If you ask for over 12, they freak out. That being said I know A LOT of people, and I mean a lot, who have no degrees and are making close to or are at 6 figures. Many of them knew someone who got them their jobs, quite a few are in law enforcement or other gov't jobs.

    Right now, experience is absolutely crucial. I went to an interview today that is paying 20/hour and they had received 75 resumes. They are interviewing 15 of us and then narrowing to 5 and that will be that. The reason I was called in was because I have the experience for THIS job.

    I have been looking for while and there are very few jobs paying over 30K. These are jobs that are still requiring the best in computer skills, degrees in some cases, but most of all years of experience. Teachers, certain government jobs and nursing are making the best salaries (including, of course, doctors and lawyers and those levels of jobs).

    You are going to have to answer every ad you see. If you absolutely will not take under 18, it may be very hard. Aim for jobs close to cities and check with temp agencies. And do not assume that they are paying that well-I know this is a no-no, but you should ask before you go in or put it in your cover letter. I had an interview the other day that absolutely should be paying 15, if not more, and they are offering 8. I almost fell off the chair-they wanted a BA.

    GOOD LUCK, it is crazy out there!

  2. Little Billy Gates

    is a College drop-out

    go figure.....

  3. A "professional" job implies a profession.  that requires a degee, usually a graduate degree.  If you have MicroSoft Office skills, you may get a white collar job.  At $18/hor in PA?  Probably not.

  4. Well, I am from PA also.  Not wanting to make less than $18 an hour, with no college degree is setting your expectation high.  I would lower that to $15 an hour, and work your way up.  Depending on where you live, Highmark is a good place to get into, where you don’t need a college degree.

    My Best,

    Michael Grant

    find a career – find an employee

  5. good you have any job experience at all? it will really depend on that

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