
Whats the most you ever lost on a poker hand?

by  |  earlier

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i lost 2000 big ones




  1. i bet my clothes and lost. I left the room naked

  2. I lost $1600, but the pot was over $5,000 in a 5-10 no limit game at Foxwoods! I had 10-10, a guy had QQ and a guy had pocket AA. The flop came Q-10-4 rainbow. First guy made it $200, second guy with the set of Queens raises to $600 and I go all-in for $1600! Both guys called and the guy with QQ won with a bigger set over my 10's.

    Worst result of my poker life but that is part of the game.

  3. i lost my house, my car about 5g's cash.

    This led me 2 loose my wife and 2 kids and everything elce i ever owned.

    Just Kidding You!!!

    about £50 playing with friends im only 14 but i still walked away with £130 the next weekend when we played again

  4. On a boat out of Jacksonville Fla., the last hand of the night in a 5/10 no limit holdem game, flopped top set ended up all in in a pot that was just over 8k (my share by the end was a little over 3k) to be rivered by a bigger set after all money was in the pot.

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