
Whats the name of the greek god or story of the man who had to lift something heavy as a punishment or soemth?

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  1. atlas

  2. the only one i can think of is atlas, who carries the weight if the world on his shoulders..

  3. You might be thinking of Sisyphus.

  4. Sisyphus!  He had to roll a stone up a hill!

  5. Sisyphus, although I believe I spelled it wrong.

    He was condemned to roll a boulder uphill all day long. At the approach of evening, he would just about reach the top of the hill, then the boulder would roll back downhill.

    Then, there's always Atlas, who had to hold the weight of the heavens (not the earth) upon his shoulders for eternity. He only received relieve once when Hercules bore the weight of the sky upon HIS shoulders so that Atlas could retrieve the golden apples of the Hespiredes. When he got back, Atlas did not want to take his place again, so Hercules tricked him into taking on the burden once again.

  6. I think atlas

  7. Sisyphus is the man who, being punished in Hades, rolls a stone for ever.

    Atlas bears on his shoulders the pillars that keep earth and heaven apart. This burden is the punishment Zeus imposed on him for having been the leader of the TITANS during their war against the OLYMPIANS.--

    I hope it helps.  

  8. Atlas had to hold up the Earth on his shoulders as punishment for being a Titan trying to overthrow Zeus.

  9. Atlas.

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