
Whats the nastiest thing that has ever happened to you???

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to me was when i swallowed a fly...

best story gets 10 PoInTs




  1. Was at work (bar) and had to close up. This girl was WASTED and her friend couldn't walk her out or carry her, so she went and got her car so I could do so. She pulls up right in front and I grab the drunkie, put her over my shoulder and carry her out. Then she proceeds to puke all over my back. I was lucky I was wearing shorts underneath my pants because she managed to puke on my jeans too. Man, was I livid.  

  2. Was left in the town centre by my brother when I was little.  

  3. I picked up a dead , half decayed mouse and thought it was a piece of chicken. I freeked out. I had put down some mouse poison a couple of days ago.  I washed and bleached my hands.

  4. A 21 year old asked me out. I'm 14.

  5. When I was a kid, I was on a swing and my head caught a s***w sticking out of the framework → ER visit + stitches

    I still have the scar on my scalp.  It looks like a V.

  6. When I was changing my little brothers diaper he pooped all over me! I mean everywhere! It was absolutely disgusting!!! LOL!!!

  7. Ok, but this is time after getting out of the shower, I was getting dressed (hadn't gotten my shirt on yet), and my older brother (who was going into the shower, and was wearing only a towel) passed by me, called my name and he raised his towel and farted on me.....and just as the sound escaped his rear, so did some p**p. I was spotted from my shoulder to my belly button with my brothers p**p.

    (funny now, but it took a long time to learn to laugh about it)

  8. a carpet fell on me off a forklift. i seen the prong bend and pushed someone outta the way. i fractured my skull and 5 vertabrea were crushed. i am now a cripple with a seizure disorder trying to survive on a small disability pension.i got rooked out of my workers comp.

  9. Wasted chocolate milk on my white skirt at


  10. I walked in on my parents doing it..........

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