
Whats the navy life like after bootcamp and a school?

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I'm going in the navy as an AO, "aviation ordinance man" and i was wondering whats the navy life really like after boot camp and a school? Is it exciting or is it dull or what any responses would be appreciated.




  1. Well, as a B-B Stacker (slang for AO), You'll head off to either a sea-going aircraft squadron, or to an aviation ship (carrier or helo-carrier) to work in the Ordinance Division.  IF you can, I'd try to get the grades so you can select a squadron at the end of A-School.

    Life at sea is WORK... 10 to 12 hour shifts, working on the flight deck, or down in the bomb-magazine.  VERY exciting.

    The KEY to enjoying your sea-tour is to just ACCEPT that the work is hard, the living conditions are cramped & crowded, & the food may not be the tastiest you've seen.  Work and STUDY hard within your rate, do the nasty jobs without complaint...

    You'll get to see more of the world that anyone else you know, you'll do things none of your friends have done, and you get PAID.

  2. I was in the Navy for four years from 1996-2000.  Plain an simple, bootcamp was hard, but not impossible.  Once you report to your A school, life changes completely.  You'll have more freedom and responsibilities.  Once you report to your first duty station, depending on where it is, it's going to be a lot of fun.  I had the opportunity to serve on a carrier stationed out of Japan as an AG.  It was hard work and long hours, but getting to see all those countries was priceless.  Not to mention the discipline they instilled in me.  To this day it was the best experience of my life.  Good luck out there shipmate!

  3. AO is awesome, there are people who are going AO or have a sailor doing AO at they can give you more of an insight on life after BC and A school.  

  4. The navy is one of the toughest divisions in the U.S. Army, of course it is tough, in fact, the hardest part is probably AFTER school and boot camp.

  5. Life on a ship is very hard while deployed at sea. Expect to work at least 10+ Hours a day(probably more). I wasn't an airdale so I can't speak as to your specific Rating but you will be really busy while at sea.  You will have ports of call and that is when it is exciting , seeing new places. Take my advice, when you do ports of call , go tour the sites. When your ship  is at home port the hours become more dialed down but you will be busy with training and watches etc...

    PS  Austin -  the US Navy is not a Division of the US Army.

  6. It's miserable if you want a personal life! If you don't want that then its peachy!-

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