
Whats the navy like(basic training and navy life)? How is it to live on a ship?

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Whats the navy like(basic training and navy life)? How is it to live on a ship?




  1. Im in the us naval sea cadat corp but going threw training and life on a ship is boring but if you love the Navy you will like it!

  2. hey My name is Seamen Parra (MASN PARRA) i am a Master at Arms in the US Navy, Master at Arms is The navys military police, anyways i have been in the Navy for already one year and I am currently stationed in Guatanamo Bay, Cuba...but anyways to ask your question navy basic training was very interestig and character building....the navys basic training is in chicago and its about 8 weeks long, it takes about a week to get used to the yelling and perfection that they expect you to have, you do alot of physical training and you have 5 diferent test you take and you must pass to graduate basic training, you learn alot about the navy and the history of the have to past a third class swim test and a you have to pass a shooting test....its fun then at the end you are given a last test of everything you were taught....the feeling to wear that unifrom aafter you have finished basic traing waas a honor, and i am proud to wear that far as navy life you just do your job and you make friends the Navy is like a big family

    if you have any more questions my AIM is: sailorcop777

  3. Hi if you want direct answers, from retired and active sailors, also family members of sailors, go to They can definitely let you know. I'm KJC88, introduce yourself and ask your question(s)!

  4. Navy bootcamp is very easy. A lot of studying and physical fitness testing.

    Navy life...about like any job when you're on shore duty, you just can't take a day off or call in sick.

    The ship is crowded, smelly and noisy. But all in all, the Navy is a good career choice if you can't afford college.

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