
Whats the normal voltage for TVs? and is it ac or dc?

by Guest10706  |  earlier

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Whats the normal voltage for TVs? and is it ac or dc?




  1. I think I know what you are asking.  Normal household service in North America, South America and Japan is 120V AC.  In the UK and Europe, Asia and Africa it's 230V AC.  So if the TV plugs into the wall, it's going to be one of these.  Check the name plate on the back of the device for what the device wants.  Some are switch selectable.

    What TV Techman was attempting to say was, almost all devices internally convert this into one or more DC voltages to power the various things inside the device.  What the device uses internally depends on how it was designed.

    I hope this helps.  Please return and select a Best Answer from all of those submitted.

  2. ALL TVs operate on a DC voltage...AC voltage is just a way to transmit power Hundreds of miles away and convert it to a useable power/voltage level....

    We should thank Westinghouse for his AC transmission design...universal voltages to power ANY device, no matter what it's power needs are.

    That's forward thinking.....

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