
Whats the orgin of you last name?

by  |  earlier

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Mine is English.




  1. mine's English

  2. I don't really care about the origin or meaning of my first, middle, maiden or married names.

    I know that I was named after a great aunt, an aunt and a second cousin, all of whom I had the privilege of knowing.

    I'm more interested in my ancestors, which is what genealogy is (and this category should be) all about.

  3. Scottish.. we even have a designed tarten for it!! hehe lol


    then pommy after that =)

  5. Mine is Prussian. And though I haven't found others with my last name who've turned out to be distantly related, they all migrated also from the area that was Prussia.

  6. My family tells me its actually a type of Scottish bow.  ^^

  7. italian

  8. Armenian

  9. ******My last name is Dutch.  The "stra" at the end of my last name indicates that it originated in the northern province of Friesland.

  10. mine is english

  11. Scottish

  12. Germany

  13. English: habitational name from any of the many places in all parts of England, for example in Cheshire, Oxfordshire, and North Yorkshire, named in Old English as æppeltun ‘orchard’ (literally ‘apple enclosure’).

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