
Whats the plan Electric?

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If we were to only depend on renewable power, and it did not supply enough, what is the alturnitive plan that the tree huggers have???




  1. Supplement renewables with nuclear power and coal power plants incorporating carbon sequestration technology.

  2. Useful suggestions for getting others together to work toward a brighter/greener future:

    Getting friends, neighbors, others that you trust, etc together to vote against environmental destruction and you may be surprised in what a group of people can do, once they have their hearts and minds set on something. Then having all of you spread the word even to people in higher places so that may be able to greatly help out as well (After all most people deep down inside, care about this world and want to help secure a beautiful world for us all and all future generations). Perhaps in spreading the word some one may be found that is high enough (With enough power) that could even help you to create advertisements in the news-paper, create pamphlets to staple on posts, phoning others, through the net, or maybe even advertising on a local TV/Radio station, etc.

    Even creating a project/speech may help out by letting others know what your cause truly means to you, and why it should be addressed. I am sure that you will be able to find a lot of people who will be willing to help you out in this and other future events. Just remember to stand up for what you believe in and even if worse comes to worse then you and others can still have the power to prevent other unwanted events from happening in the future since their are tons of people out their who care and will be willing to help in situations like yours as well as many other events/situations. Just keep a record/info of all your contacts so that if anything else comes up, you will be able to have several people by your side in no time at all!! Again, best of luck and I hope that everything goes well.

    For hot weather, I would also recommend buying a few large oscillating fans and only turning them on when you are in that area of your house.

    You will find that the air will become cool and refreshing within virtually no time at all and that their will be a nice refreshing breeze.

    With this in mind there is no need to leave them on in any areas of your house where no one is present and you will find noticable money savings and it will also aid the environment.

    Also, if businesses could have even some solar panels (Lots of empty roof and wall space not just for businesses but several other structures and buildings as well) it would help in reducing energy needs as well as placing solar panels in open unused areas (Wind turbines as well). There are also several areas on the globe such as deserts (In areas where they would not get damaged), and so on where tons of solar panels can be placed and several areas with high winds for wind turbines.

    I have lots of info that I think you will find quite helpful and enlightening:

    Let us all strive for a greener/brighter future by helping to create a solid foundation for future generations to build upon, so we can hand them a beautiful world, filled with never ending awe and wonders!!

    Where peoples differences and uniqueness are accepted, where we all live as one, helping one another so that we can all play our own mysteriously beautiful melodies in the never ending, awe inspiring, song of life :-)

  3. Why does everyone who bashes renewable energy base it on the premise that the new source has to completely replace the old energy sources? Why can't they realize that it will compliment the old sources. We have gas cars, and diesel cars. We have oil homes and natural gas homes. The idea of new energy sources is to help ease the burden of the old ones, and to start a new direction that may or may not be achieved.

    And as far as what to do IF,(and if is a big word for two little letters), maybe you need to learn how to preserve food without refrigeration or pasteurization like my Democratic family has done for generations.

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