
Whats the point in war?

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War is one of the dumbest,inhumane,cruel,expensive,horribl... things on earth!Why is their war in the first place?I know things need to be changed and some countries don't get along because of their ways but is it really worth all the time,money,lives,and tears?I belive that when you are in a certain country u act acording to their rules unless ther trying to sacrafice you or something.If murder is elegal why is war so exceptable?Is it realy nesecery?Or do people realy think blowing each others heads off is realy going to solve anything?




  1. The reason for war is to protect our way of life. A lot of countries would be happy to come into your house, hog tie you, and throw you into slavery, beat you, rape you, or do other despicable things to you. So no, it's not a waste of money or time, it's an investment to keep you and everyone else in this country free! All these stupid liberals say "buy condoms they're cheaper than guns!" Well you know what?? CONDOMS AREN'T WHAT KEEP THIS COUNTRY FREE! WE WOULDN'T BE HERE IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE DIED FOR OUR SAKES!

  2. Why don't you ask the people of Europe if they thought WWII was necessary.  Or the millions of people who are descendants of people whose lives that were saved by stopping Hitler and Stalin.  I'm sure they would all agree that war, although awful and cruel, is sometimes a necessary reality to stop evil and restore freedom.

  3. the whole point of war is to  blow somebody's head off.

    you got tanks, you gotta use them.

    you got anti-missile missiles, you got to use them.

    b1's, use them

    b2's, well, maybe park them till we figure out how to fly them.

    yea, then all  h**l will break loose.

  4. It would be nice if war was fought by the very two a******s that started it in the first place!  But that isn't the case.  If there are people being oppressed by a tyrant or a country being invaded by an evil, hostile force, war is necessary.  You can't tell them to stop and behave, put their nose in a corner.  It has to be done forcibly and many hostile countries don't like being forced to stop their evil-doings; eventually one side is going to maim the other because they don't like it, in turn, causing the other side to retaliate against the aggression!

    Obviously, the US had tried the diplomatic means to stop or cease some tryants actions.  War ended being the last resort!

  5. So seeing as how this rant is against the military and all of what the u.s. was built off of when we fought for our freedom against Britain so you could say exactly what YOU JUST SAID... I suggest you shhh...

  6. its a way for defense or for countries to give in to your demands

  7. The name you have selected for your avitar is appropriate, its obvous you have not been a very good student since you rant is so ignorant.

  8. I understand clearly why your name is "school sucks".

    And, yes, war is necessary.  It happens approximately every twenty years, or one generation.  Just long enough to forget why we stopped fighting the last war.  At least that is what history has shown us.

    We are genetically an aggressive species, and it's no wonder UFOs don't land.  They are probably scared to death of us.  

    WOW!  That was a quick name change.

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