
Whats the point of Yahoo Answers? read.?

by  |  earlier

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You have different levels, Best answers, but my question is, why do ppl answer these questions, it not like your gonna win anything.....or do you? I'm asking because I truely don't know, help me understand the meaning behind Yahoo Answers.





  1. The meaning of the system is so people can receive help from others whom know what to do. People are answering these open questions to be a lending hand and to clearify things, so therefore there won't be so Many people in this world that don't know the answer to simple handed questions. Its actually a pretty smart system that people can help other with. So therefore if you ask a question and 12 people know the answer you can read what they think and the majority of the same answers are right. Most of the people answering these questions are computer geeks who really will know the answer to these questions and others are people whom just have common sense that know answers to known questions such as this one.

  2. It's really nice, because sometimes you just have these questions and you don't want to spend hours on the Net finding the answers. It also gets people in touch.

  3. I don't think you win money but the more points you get and the higher the level you are the more questions you get to ask.Plus if you had a question don't you want it answered like this one.

  4. Everyone likes to be an expert.  Some people like to help other people learn.  Some people like to mess with other people and give out incorrect information.  Some people like to act foolish and put in inappropriate questions or answers  just to get a reaction.  Some of us have too much time on our hands.

    I truly like researching some of the answers and giving someone useful information that may help them.  That is the teacher in me I guess.

    I have asked a couple of computer technology questions myself and have gotten good answers that helped me solve my computer problems.

    There are many reasons that people use this site?

    Tell me, why did you come to the site?  What attracted you to it.  Curiosity?  Smugness?  Give us your reason, please.

  5. I think it is fun for a lot of people to see their words posted in the site.  It is amusing for them, or a form of community service.  It is also a way to socialize and meet new people, expand your network.  Most people have 1000 better things to do at any given moment, but it is a great way to procrastinate!

    Have a great day!

  6. It's human nature to want to feel like an expert.

  7. I'm not rying to win anything but being here give me a peace of mind, a place you can give opinion and have fun. I do feel good if my answer is the best but most of the time I enjoy talking and thinking.  It's nice and peaceful in my head...

    Single, nothing much to do, sick of clubbing... what do you want to do?

  8. i have been asking myself that since it started. no prizes etc? what's the point?  i now know the answer.  lately there have been times when i needed help from people and need to know answers myself. so i ask people on here now. i answer other peoples questions because i see it now as fair. so ask yourself this question "is it very rude and selfish of me to ask questions to get what i want and get help and not answer any back in return to say thank you and help others?  i rest my case

  9. Just to release my tension.

  10. I believe that people like answering questions cuz it's the knowing that you're helping them or at least you tried to.  No you don't win anything.  This is kinda like an advice columns where everyone tries to help each other out!  People can states their opinions and everything.  Also it's free to ask and answer whether than going to some counselors to helps.

  11. for me answer is to have fun , to share your opion, to have ppl.other way some ppl want to get piont it just like some kind of callage to see who the best

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