
Whats the point of cockroaches?

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Whats the point of cockroaches?




  1. To annoy you and make you feel like a dirty person. The best way to get rid of them is to wash the dishes and put away all the food. Leave them nothing to eat and they will eventually leave.

  2. Well it turns out the parasites do play an important role in our vast ecology. They are part of the global food web – 'the circle of life'.

    Cockroaches eat just about anything. Being omnivore scavengers, they decompose and recycle the organic litter left behind by larger animals. The other big bonus is that cockroaches do not care about what they eat. Possessing a wide variety of bacteria and protozoa in their digestive system, they can eat everything!

    This is one of the main reasons as to why cockroaches have survived for such a long period of time – 300 million years to be exact. Cockroaches declined in number as the earth’s climate changed periodically, but they are currently thriving due to human impact. The little scavengers live for two things – heat, and a decent feed (both of which we have in abundance). Humans have re-created the Utopia for cockroaches. Our homes are kept warm all year round, and we leave food lying all over the place. To top things off, there are plenty of places to hide for the cockroach – under the stove, in the dishwasher, behind the toaster – the list is endless.

  3. NO IDEA!!!!!!!!  They make me sick though!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have worked in restaurants and seen them and never ate there again.  I have seen them in grocery stores and NEVER buy or use their bags/boxes.  The neighbor down the street, had the rescue squad/fire down there and I went to see if she was ok...because she seemed nice the couple times I spoke to her,  I even gave her a car ride to the store and would not take the gas money.  But, when I went in her house to see if she was ok...which she was...roaches were crawling all over her house..................EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW  I never let her in my house again.  She wore wigs and now I know why she was always scratching......OMG sickening!!!!!!!!!!!!  She got mad at me when she came over and my son and I were in the pool..her grandson was in swimming trunks and we pretty much ignored them.  Sorry, I didn't buy a pool for the neighborhood.  My ex friend got mad at me as well...she had foster kids who were molesters, filthy, they would do stuff no matter who seen them...trying to not give details to make you sick...the one was too lazy as a 14 year old and would urinate on her self and lay in the bed she did it in...not shower, and the molester...........had been caught trying to molest her foster mother's grandchild and yet only kept her for the money......The daughter told her mom she is not allowed back in her house.  But, yet she got mad that I told her...I bought the pool for my son, he doesn't want anyone but us in it.  She got mad and offended.  I flat out told her why.......the foster kids are nasty, filthy, and thieves.  I'm not forcing my son to be around that BS!!!!!!!!!!!  

    Anyway............I have no idea what the purpose is for a lot of insects...fleas and ticks especially, pretty much any bug.  Spiders I can understand, but we wouldn't need them if we didn't have flies...LOL  I hate snakes!!!!!!!!!!!!  I could never live in an apartment...because whatever they get infested with...I would have to deal with it, that ain't happening!!!!!!!!!!

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