
Whats the point of having a portable radar flash your speed on a street?

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I don't really understand why Police departments use these devices at the tax payers expense. Every vehicle everywhere has a speedometer in the center of the dashboard. It's not like a driver does not know their speed or the speed limit. Actually I drive faster when I see one to watch it for fun. It would be different if it was for photo speed violations. DId I miss something here?




  1. 1. they work.

    2. they stop speeders.

    3. they stop speeders from killing themselves or someone else.

  2. it is stupid but it does sorta make you consciously check your speed especially in an area like a school zone.  In my town they leave it up then a few days later there is a cop there, writing tickets like to shove it in your face.

  3. I find them very useful .I use them to find out how accurate my speedometer is.And I think you will find out most people pay absolutely no attention to there speed.

  4. Its used to alert drivers to how fast they are going. They are ususally used on roads that have reduced speed limits, or are common blackspots for crashes or speeding.

    I find them pointless, because most of the time, they dont have the legal speedlimit shown on the screen.

    There was 2 of these boards around a work area, which was reduced to 40km/h.

    It was about 20km/h inaccurate, and most of the time, it didnt display your speed until after you had past the sign, so the next car saw your speed, slowed down, and created a bottle neck in traffic.

    I went through the workzone in my car, which has just had its speedo calibrated, with cruise  control bang on 40km/h and the sign flashed up with 68km/h

    I think they are a waste of time and money when used in that circumstance.

  5. Yes. if you are speeding the post will take pic of liscense plate and send ticket.

  6. They use radar boards because 90% of the driving public suffers from cranial rectal insertion and are completely oblivious to what's going on around them at any givin time.

    The cops hope that a flashing speed will make thaem pull their head out and pay attention.

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