
Whats the presure points to knock out sombody?

by  |  earlier

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in kung fu panda and in other movies you can knock out somebody by poking them with force in presure points?


dont worry im doin a project on kung fu and bruse lee




  1. I have seen pressure points work, and I have seen them fail, as many people are not affectid by them. remember that Kung Fu panda is a cartoon.

    As for telling you any, no one on here that actually knows anything about them other then your cyber ninja's who watch anime is going to give you any information at all, simply because they don't know you, or your intentions. Many have trained for a lot of years for the knowledge they have gained.

    No offense to you, your intentions could be totally innocent, however if they are not it would be the equivilent of stringing a chimp out on crack and giving it a loaded gun.

    Edit- Case in point about not knowing... Our anatomy major unknown who answered below me does not realise that if your solar plex is in your armpit you are really screwed up. the solar plexus is located right at the base of the sternum. Still wanting to trust anyone on here?

  2. I hope you realize that Kung Fu Panda was just a cartoon, not a documentary.

    Some people swear there are such things, others swear there are not.  If you're going to learn them though, you're going to have to go to an instructor who will teach it and train for a long time before he will even think of trusting you enough to show you something like that.

  3. i know two. one is by hitting hard and directly at someones diaphram, where your rib cages meet and form a triangle. that would take all the air out of the persons lungs and temporarily stun them. the other is the solar plexus in someones armpit, if you press hard enough there the persons whole body will be completely paralyzed, and of course, this gives an electrical shock into there body.

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