
Whats the price in your state?

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Gas prices are going up everywhere.. here in my town it texas it is lowest at $3.03 and highest at $3.18..

whats it like where u live? AND i havent really been keeping up with the elections this year but are any of the individuals running saying they are going to do something about these gas prices?? Who ever wins ..they need to do something about it!

(estimations $4 per gallon this summer!!!)




  1. it's around $3.39-$3.55 where I live...

  2. r u people crazy here in NY it's only like 2.02 a gallon. that really sucks that it's like 4.00 for you guys.

  3. Hello,

    $3.18??? That's it? Geeze, gas in the Florida Keys is about $3.40-3.50!!! Our gas prices will be $4.00 in no time at all >.<! I'm not sure who is claiming to resolve this gas issue, but I don't have much faith in any of them =O; if there was a solution, would'nt it have been done already?



  4. $3.98 diesel,but I pay zero for free used vegetable oils

  5. $3.02-$3.14 for regular unleaded in central AR.

    The only suggestion I heard was the Democrat speaker of the house wants to tax the oil companies more.  They of course won't want to decrease their profits so will pass the tax increase on to us so we'd soon be seeing $5 a gallon.

    It will be hard to craft a law that will reduce pump prices that doesn't end up forcing us consumers to pay the difference somewhere else.  We need cheaper alternative fuels (and no not ethanol as that just drives up food and feed prices) or we need to open up drilling in all US reserves or take over some place that has oil...oops strike that last, the military is far to thinly stretched to do that these days.  (for those kneejerkers reading this, the last was a joke)

  6. oh my, where are you?

    $3.65 is fairly common outside of San Francisco.

    in the city, it's always more.

    diesel was at $4.19  where i just got gas at $3.65  (that's the only one i noticed.)

  7. Two years ago I drove both ways across the country from San Francisco to Boston.  the cheapest gas prices were in the states near the great lakes.  I don't know why, just an observation.

  8. The prices are the same in ND.

  9. In Canton Ohio it is around $3.35 a gallon right now. They just wen up, out of no where. It was staying steady at around $2.99 for a while.

    That's enough of a jump to break a person's budget...I hope it goes down soon.

  10. $3.67 for regular unleaded at the station a few blocks away.  (SF Bay Area)  Diesel is $4.17!

    You can lookup your favorite location using the link below...

  11. I live in Massachusetts and prices are about $3.13-$3.18

  12. 3.33 in maine and 3.55 two weeks ago in washington state for the cheap stuff.     These prices are most likely here to stay.

  13. Michigan Here...

    These are the prices as of this morning.

    Gasoline $3.78Gal

    Diesel $4.29Gal

  14. This morning, the cheapest station in town was $3.69 for regular unleaded and the majority of the bigger name stations were around $3.89.  I also saw the more expensive grades at over $4.00.

  15. Upstate NY we are paying between $3.38 and $3.45 for a gallon of regular unleaded. If anyone could do anything about it I think Hillary Clinton is our most viable candidate. McCain would just cripple this country by continuing the war, drive prices of everything sky high (not just gas), and much more that I don't even want to think about! EVERYTHING revolves around the price of gas. Think about it before you vote in November.

  16. I have worked for years to get new types of fuel. We have solutions. But we are not spending the money unless the government is subsidizing it. The Russians are getting ready to drill in the North Sea and they hope to bring in oil at $125 per barrel. So much for $4 per gallon. I learned this week that as a driver in California, I am subsidizing gas in Texas-that is why your is cheep and I pay $3.50.

  17. here, it's around $3.00-$3.50

  18. regular gas is $3.12, and the highest price $3.45

  19. 3.25 in nw florida

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