
Whats the proper way to pay for a meal at a restaurant?

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Im about to go on my first date in my life to a nice restaurant. I have been to a lot of restaurants in my life but only with my parents, so I never pay for the meal, and i never really watch them do it. How does it work when the meal is over when you pay with cash? Once you have the check can you just leave the money for the meal and the tip together in a pile of cash on the table or should you pay first and then leave the tip? I need some details cause I'm kind of an idiot. thank you!




  1. You leave the tip with the money and basically then just leave.

  2. It depends on what kind of restaurant you go to.  If it is a nice one, then they usually pick up the cash/credit up from you right from the table.  If they do this and they give you a book type thing to put it in, then you can leave the tip in there.  Also, you can just leave it on the table, but if you're on a date try not to make it so conspicuous that you're messing with your wallet.  I know it makes me feel uncomfortable.  So do it as fast as possible, lol.

  3. At a nice restaurant, the waitress will bring you the bill and walk away.  Get out your wallet, take out your money for the bill and the tip.  When she comes back, hand her the money and the bill.  If you need change, ask her for whatever you want (like, "Could I have a five back from that, please?").  If you don't need change, you can tell her "The change is for you."  Standard tipping is 15%, but I normally tip around 20%.  Be generous so your date doesn't think you're cheap.

  4. place your tip on the table and go up and pay for the meal as you go out the door

  5. Place the money and the check on the table so the server can pick it up.  When he/she returns with your change, count out the tip and leave that on the table for the server.  The standard restaurant tip is 15% of the total bill.  You'll have to figure this out in your head.

    You are NOT an idiot.  You just haven't had this particular experience yet.

    Have a good time on your first date, dude.

  6. Leave the tip on the table, making sure that it not shift change  time., and then go to the cash to pay the bill.

  7. Well first of all, on behalf of all the women who still like for men to be gentlemen, I thank you for assuming you're going to pay!

    Second, you're not an idiot, you're nervous, which sometimes makes us all act like idiots, but doesn't mean that we are idiots; it's just a temporary condition.

    Third, when the check comes, you can put the cash and the tip all together and hand it back to the waitress.  She's going to (very coyly)say "I'll be right back with your change", to which you reply "Oh, no change".  Her face or at least her eyes, will light up, she'll smile as though you've left her a ton of money, and she'll say thanks or something along those lines.

    Fourth, relax!  She likes you, or she wouldn't be going out with you in the first place, so just be yourself, forget anything anyone tried to tell you about acting like Rico Suave, and just have a good time.  She's just as nervous as you are, if not more, but if you're relaxed and friendly, she'll be relaxed and friendly.  Have fun!

  8. Signal the waiter for a check, pay the amount on the bill plus your tip and say keep the change or when they come back with the change , collect the change and give them the tip which you have counted earlier so you can give it to them without any fuss from taking it from the change.  

  9. If you are paying cash, it is correct to leave the price of the meal and the tip together with the bill. It will probably come on a small tray or in a vinyl "folder". Just put the entire amount (including the tip) on or in whatever they bring the bill to you in, and just leave it on the table.

    Do not worry about the cash - believe me when I tell you, they are watching.

    Pay just before you get up and leave.

    Have fun and good luck!

  10. You're not an idiot.  It's always best, if paying with cash, to hand the bill and tip to the server in the book.  This ensures that the server has received payment instead of leaving it unattended on the table.  Remember to tip properly if the service was good.  15-20% of the bill.

  11. I usually wait until the server comes back and gets the money.  I don't like leaving it on the table unattended, but I'm a little paranoid about things getting stolen.

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