
Whats the purpose of connecting the positive end first while installing a car battery !??

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Whats the purpose of connecting the positive end first while installing a car battery !??




  1. Because the ground has the less potential ..Besides while terminating the positive if you have the ground connected there is more of a chance of shorting the battery to frame etc.. so if you connect pos first theres no chance of shortin the battery unless you drop a spanner across the posts.... also being the less potential connection there is less chance of spiking any electonic devices..

  2. The whole car is grounded.  If you connect the negative first, the whole car is charged and you can make a mistake by touching the body to the positive.

    But the other way around, if the positive is connected the body is still not charged.  If you make a mistake and touch the body to the negative or the positive it won't make it short (sparks).

    Good Luck...

  3. The neg cable is the ground. It is connected to the frame or engine block. If you connect it first then the battery will be grounded so if you contact any metal under the hood with your wrench while connecting the pos cable you're most likely gonna get burnt or at least have a nice pretty arc. So by installing pos first it won't matter if you touch anything.

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