
Whats the........?

by Guest58033  |  earlier

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whats the effect of hypertension, hypoproteinuria, and proteinuria on the GFR?




  1. As you know, GFR is the net difference between the filtration pressure and oncotic pressure.  The filtration pressure is the difference between the afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole.

    1. Hypertension

    Hypertension causes pressure in the afferent arteriole to go up.  This will lead to higher filtration pressure, and increase GFR.  

    (Of course, in the long run hypertension can damage the glomerulus, which will lead to decreased GFR -- in fact, hypertension is one of the leading causes of renal failure.  However, I assume you are taking a physiology class, so just stick to the first part of my answer.)

    2. Hypoproteinuria

    Lack of protein in the urine will decrease the oncotic pressure in the Bowman's space (which helps to pull fluid out of the glomerulus), so GFR will go down.

    3. Proteinuria

    Proteinuria is the reverse of hypoproteinuria, so the effect will be the opposite.

    (However, "hypoproteinuria" is almost never encountered in medicine -- was there a typing error?)

    Good luck!

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