
Whats the quickest way to become a resident of usa??

by  |  earlier

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i want to go to ULCA for university. i live in canada, and i dont want to have to pay nonresidential tuition every year. i dont have any relatives living in usa. what should i do??!??




  1. Marry a native & apply for citizenship

  2. become a citizen

  3. i am an American and am not even allowed into canada because of a d.u.i i got in america many years before i ever tried to go to canada ? whats with that ? America is not all it's pumped to be .if i lived in canada i would stay there ! nothing is free in america nothing.other than that i really don't know how to help you.ask a mexican they do it everyday and then they get health care education food etc ect.ask a mexican .they could tell you what to do and just how to do it.good luck...  

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