
Whats the "fast track" to getting my Radio music show picked up, to a bigger Radio Station ?

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Manager, Agent, Talent Agentcy, Head - Hunter, Press-Kit Mailers, E.P.K's, Classified Adds, Web Sites, Which of what is best suited for the Broadcasting Industry to get my show Auditioned here in L.A. ?




  1. In radio, it's all about networking. Most of the people out there today with local or syndicated shows, especially in big markets, had to start off with the smaller markets first and then from there build up. This way the larger stations can judge how well your show is doing based upon "Arbitron" ratings. Arbitron ratings show what income bracket your listeners fit into, what gender they are, ethnicity, age and so on, which can help them decide whether or not your show would be a proper fit for their station lineup and would appeal to that particular stations' target demographic.

    Start by sending your show to various radio stations in smaller markets, even the larger markets, they might show interest or give you feedback which could help you further down the line.

    One place you can try to pitch your show at is... It's a website devoted to the radio professional, it is used by jocks, music directors, program directors, vice presidents and presidents of regional programming, etc. You have to register with them to really access the site or post anything, but it's quick and totally free. Once you register, click on the "job market" link to the left, once that is done, click on the "Situations Wanted" link and from there, just post what your show is about, maybe a link so people can download a demo of it, etc. That way the right people can listen to your show and then see if they like it and if it will be a proper fit on their station.

    Another way to get on a large radio station is to be nationally syndicated. I'm not sure what your show is about or how good it is, but try sending it to the following address.


    11 Penn Plaza, 16th Floor

    New York, NY 10001

    Also, here are Superadio's phone numbers


    212.714.1563 fax

    Superadio ( is a company which helps syndicate radio shows nationally to radio stations. We actually picked up a morning show out of Portland, Oregon and ran it at our station with great results. It's called PK's Playhouse and PK, the host of the show is rumored to make over $300k a year. Another company which does syndication is Premiere Radio Networks (owned by Clear Channel, so it will be harder to ink a deal on there) and their website is,

    Hope this was of some help to you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

  2. Big market radio like LA isn't something you can just jump into. There is no real answer for what you are asking. If you want to work in LA radio you need to be above average. You need to be great. The best of the best work on LA radio stations. You need a demo of your show to present to radio stations. The way to market yourself is to send out demos of your show to as many stations as you can. Along with the demos you need to send your contact information, your show info and pictures. Even with doing this it wont guarantee your demo will even get listened to. If you are expecting to get big "fast" and you don't know these essential things then I don't see much hope for you. I'm trying to be honest. Radio is not an easy industry to get into.

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