
Whats the randomest punishment you've ever gotten at school?

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What did you do to get it?

Do you think you diserved it?




  1. a teaxher didnt understand wat i was saying so i got iss!

  2. ok so i got iss for not sitting down in the right place in pe and i got kicked out of iss for putting my feet on the wall

  3. I was doing lunch cafeteria person. ANd this my best guy friend told me that we were allowed to get as many snacks as we want for free. So, i toook 7 bags of flamin hot cheetos!  ( i was giving them to my friends 2, im not that much of a fatty lol) anyways. The cafeteria monitor saw me stuffing them in my jacket and thought i was stealing them! SO i got sent to the principals office. BUt, the dumb ****** doesnt listen to anything anyone ever says so i got suspended. I never talked to taylor again. PLus, the random part was... i wasnt allowed to buy cafeteria lunches! And i already dont buy them... so i was like " OH NO! I cant buy that dry krap? OH GOD KILL ME NOW!!!" so, i got detention when i was back form

  4. I got kicked out of s*x Ed. for giggling at the diagrams and every time the teacher said "s*x" in 6th grade. So did all my other friends. And most of the class. We had to sit in the hallway for the rest of the period.

    We probably deserved it =]

  5. one time me & my friend were sitting there talking[just before that the sub actually told us we could talk] & out of nowhere the sub goes 'yall two goto the office' and we were like why? what did we do? and she was like JUST GO and we were like what did we do? and she was like I SAID JUST GO and we were like go where & she was like GO HOME FOR ALL I CARE so we went to the office & told the office lady that she told us to go home & we talked to the principal and he asked what we were doing and we said we didn't know because she refused to tell us & he said she went out of line & that since we never have gotten in trouble before we were not gonna be in trouble :D

  6. my shirt wasn't tucked in so i got a detention

    h**l no!


  8. I got a detention for looking at someone.... It wasn't sexual or anything. I literally just looked up from my desk at someone and BAM! detention!

    I'm going to go with ... no I didn't deserve it. I wasn't aware that I couldn't look at people.

  9. givin my stupid friend a tic-tac

    he started shaking the box so the teacher heard it

    and i get the detention!

    lol i guess i diserved it

  10. for leaving school with a pass shown to every teacher possible that was going to have me the rest of the day... the principal didnt check me off on the leaving school list thing... it was during the last week of school they said i skipped (which i didnt and mom verified that as well) and i came in for 3 hours the day after school let out.... basically blown

  11. Back in 7th or 8th grade me and a girl names dani sat next to each other in American history and our teacher was Spanish. I had my eyebrow pierced and she had...well lets just say the list of what she DIDN'T have pierced was shorted the the list of what she did have pierced was. And he told us to leave the class and take our piercings out. [mine and some of hes were fairly new so that would have meant them closing-] So we said no and asked him why we had to take them out cause there was no school rule against them. He said it was because we offended him [something about 'teens' these day or w/e]. So we again, said no. He happened to keep a confederate flag hanging in the classroom, so we told him to take it down and we would take our piercings out. And he threw a fit! Yelling and screaming in spanish. and telling us how horrible children we were and how we looking disgusting with piercings and how we should care how we look etc. And me and her threw fits right back at him. We were all yelling for almost an hour! The whole class couldn't stop laughing. Eventually he called the office and they sent a dean down and said we started it and that we cursed at him etc. but we talked to them outside and relayed that he tried to make us remove them for no real reason and he called us ugly, etc. and went outta line. So we never got in trouble! Woot! It would been worth a punishment if we did get one though!

  12. I had a sub in english one day and I was reading a really hard book, so I was taking notes to help me remember it, and the sub thought I was writing notes [like to give to friends], and gave me 3 days of in school suspension! I got out of it though, because I showed my principal the notes I had been taking

  13. My geography teacher nearly gave me detention last week for smiling at her cause she said that meant I wasn't paying attention.  I just burst out laughing so she was like 'When will you grow up and start behaving' While other people were just talking over her.  It was so funny but now she's moved my best buddy one seat away from me from being next to me, so now the only thing between us is, OMG! An EMPTY SPACE! OH NO!  Hehe she so funny, lol...

  14. i got hit 3 times for asking this girl , did every thing come ok, she just returned from the bathroom, and i got sent to the deans office, he was 6,4 and he could swing that paddel, my god it still hurts

  15. In 6th grade i had this teacher named Mrs. Turk. She was about 60 years old...and she was a big woman so everyone called her Mrs. Turkey behind her back. Anyway. Mrs turk wore the same shoes everyday. These pair of open toed sandals that she even wore one generation ago when my brother was in her class. Her feet were so dam gray and had a thick layer of crust on them with deep cracks in her heels and soles....awww it was nasty! one day Mrs. Turk got the class pounds of grey clay, and wanted us to use things in the glass room to inspire us to make a sculpture. So i made a sculpture or Mrs. Turks feet. It was very accurate, So accurate, that Mrs. Turk noticed the sculpture was her feet. She was so angry. But i didn't get in trouble until she yelled that the clay sculpture was rude and disgusting! I laughed so hard..... and was suspended for "disrespecting authority"....then got beat by was worth it...

  16. I had to stay after with a teacher to make up and assignment even though I only had two problems left. I had miss track because I had to finish. so when I got there I finished in like ten minutes. The teacher wouldn't let me go to track when I was done. She made me sit in a silent room with two other kids staying for detention.

    No i didn't do anything.

    I also got yelled at by the same teacher for telling that kid net to me to "shut up" it was the last day of school too.  

  17. i gave this kid a piece of gum and the teacher took my whole pack of gum and ate it all!!!! @sshole! haha

  18. I argued liberal views to my conservative teacher

    I had to sweep the hallway after school! (wtf!??!)

    and no do not think I deserved it

    we were having a whole class discussion

    I was not going to let my classmates believe his words were good and true

  19. I got a detention in high school for reporting a boy for throwing a rock in my eye. & he lied & said it was a piece of paper. But he shouldn't have thrown ANYTHING in my eye!

    Fook naw I didn't deserve it!

  20. ok well ima good girl but this really isnt all that nice what i did

    anyways i was reading a magazine while the principal was giving an orientation, about how to keep your grades up for the remainder of the year. & quite frankly i didn't wanna hear what the principal had to say, plus i didn't like her cause she was a {Beep}

    so i took out my magazine and turned put my feet in the table.. and started reading.. all of a sudden my social studies teacher who i couldn't stand came up to me and snatch my 4.99 magazine. (and i was like no he didnt) and i snatched it back right from him. so anyways make a long story short

    we was basically playing tug-a - war but he was a body builder so he kinda won.. & when he was talking to me... i left the room and hid in the schoool.. but they found me..

    and i went to the principals office

    & my punishment was to sit in the office and listen to the orientation that i missed while getting into all that and saying sorry to my teacher?

    and the next day i walked into social stuides class i had to write "i will not snatch magazine's from teachers" infront of my class

    it was so random and funny though

    i laughed

    & eventually i got my magazine back..

    honestly im not a bad kid though


  21. i never get in trouble. its actually really funny.

    like i will be talking and the person im talking to will get in trouble, but never me.

  22. I got a detention for having my shirt untucked.

    I got SUSPENDED for saying c--- while the girl i said it to was telling me to go f--k myself and calling me a d**khead got a fricken warning

  23. I got yelled at for someone texting me in class.

    I don't think I deserved it because I wasn't texting and I didn't even have my phone with me.

  24. I got in trouble for talking in class one day, even though everyone else was doing it too... The teacher tried to make me scrape gum off the undersides of the tables with a paint scraper. Erm NO!

  25. i got suspended because they tough i said nigar, i mean its a cafateria full of 500 students and evey one is yeling racial slurs and i got in trouble WTF.

  26. i had to stand in a corner in the art room because i was talking too much. the teacher got in trouble because that was cruel.

  27. When I was in school corporal punishment was still part of the curriculum.  If you @ssed off, you got your @ss whooped, period.  Detention, that was for gum chewers, tardies and pansies (like today's kids).

  28. i wrote a note, saying "that's so g*y!"


    alot of people say it

    and it was tslking about a guy named jesus

    so they thought i was talking bad against the lord.

    and i got a major referral, the onloy referral of my life!


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