
Whats the ratio of co2 levels given off by rainforests compared to human pollution?

by Guest44767  |  earlier

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and while you are looking into the night.....

how much methane do cows exume into the air

and how do's that alter the green house effect




  1. I don't think anyone really knows. We can easily calculate how much CO2 is given off by burning fossil fuel by knowing how much coal, oil and gas we burn. And we know how much we burn because it costs money to produce it and there are accounts that record all that for bankers and so on.

    But we have no such records for the rain forest. So any number, if it even exists somewhere, is probably not very accurate.

    By the way, not everyone knows that rain forests both give off and absorb both oxygen and CO2. Growing plants give off oxygen and absorb CO2 during the day, but they give off CO2 at night, and dead plants give off CO2 night and day as they decay on the forest floor. (Trees are just one kind of plant.) If the forest is mature and natural, so that the number of new trees that start to grow is balanced by the number of trees dying naturally, there should be no net CO2 or oxygen production or absorption. This is why planting trees is no solution to global warming.

  2. There are a great many natural sources and sinks for carbon dioxide.  But the present global warming is (mostly) the result of man made CO2 from burning fossil fuels.

    There is a natural "carbon cycle" that recycles CO2.  But it's a delicate balance and we're messing it up.

    Look at this graph.

    The little squiggles are nature doing its' thing. CO2 falls a bit during summer when plants are active, and rises during the winter. The huge increase is us, burning fossil fuels (in addition to the shape of the graph, the increase numerically matches the increase in fossil fuel use). The scientists can actually show that the increased CO2 in the air comes from burning fossil fuels by using "isotopic ratios" to identify that CO2.  The natural carbon cycle buried carbon in fossil fuels over a very long time, little bit by little bit. We dig them up and burn them, real fast.  That's a problem.

    Man is upsetting the balance of nature.  We need to fix that.

  3. rain forests give on Oxygen not CO2

  4. your profile has an about me section. it says your stupid... well i can give you one thing your honest proving it by the fact that you though rainforests give off co2 they dont. they take it in and give out oxygen.

    so stupid yes but if maybe you have misworded the question i'll keep a look out for ammendments hahah

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