
Whats the real reason miley and nick broke up--were they even together?!?

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Whats the real reason miley and nick broke up--were they even together?!?




  1. because he saw the real hannie tannie

  2. i think they broke up because they were to busy in their lives right now and didnt have time for them to date because the jonas brothers would be going on tour without miley.  

  3. I think they were together and broke up maybe because the Jonas Brothers went on tour and they couldn't spend time together or something. But if you ask me, Nick could do way better than Miley. I'd be happy if he'd just admit he's dating Selena, haha. I know they're dating, but still.. denying it doesn't help! :)

  4. they were dating but only for some two days and the real reason they broke up was as miley said in a magzine interview that nick was very quiet and she is loud and crazy

  5. Hi there!!!! :P

    Yes Miley and Nick were together.

    Nick broke up with  Miley because she kissed him in public.

    P.s:Hope I helped :P

  6. who knows

  7. yes they were together and idk y they broke up

  8. heyyy,i can really help you out because mileys on the cover of seventeen currently and theres an interview in it. heres the section that explained about it: (and sorry i hate capitals so im just gonna not use it haha ;p )

    17: what about nick jonas? how close were you?

    MC: we became boyfriend and girlfriend the day we met. he was on a quest to meet me, and he was like, "i think you're beautiful and i really like you." and i was like, "oh, my gosh, i like you so much." nick and i loved each other. we still do, but we were in love with each other. for two years, he was basically my 24/7. but it was really hard to keep it from people. we were arguing a lot, and it really wasn't fun.

    17: what would you argue about?

    MC: like, he would get in late, or i would get in late, and i'd be really cranky. or i'd want to get breakfast, but he would have to do a radio show. and it was just like, when am i going to get some time with my boyfriend? but when we were actually together, it was great.

    17: so how did you break up?

    MC: we were about to go onstage. and i was like, "is this just too much for us right now? is this something that is really inconvenient at this time in your life?" and he was like, "you know, this is really a hard time for me." and i was like, "this is hard for me too, you know -- i think we need to take a little break." we were both crying on that last day we were together.

    17: how did you deal?

    MC: at first i bawled for a month straight. i was so sad. i just went into this weird funk. and i dyed my hair black. when we were dating, nick wanted me to get highlights -- and so i did that, and i got myself looking great. and then, on the day we broke up, i was like, i want to make my hair black now -- i dont want to look pretty; i want to look hard-core. i was rebelling against everything nick wanted me to be. and then i was like, i've got to be myself for now, and just figure out who i really am. two years is a long time to be with somebody. but i eventually went back to my lighter hair. i'm over rebelling. the nick thing is in my past, and i can't be living there. but i feel great.

    17: why do you think things didn't work out?

    MC: i feel like our relationship was a little too cliche for me. it's like brad and angelina, miley and nick jonas -- i want to be a part of something thats real. hes really fun, but he's very serious and very into his work, and i'm not like that. i'm like, how can i be serious with you if my job is to be funny all the time? my heart was broken after that, but i healed -- and i now i see that i don't want a boyfriend for a while, because he and i really worked hard at making something work, and it just didn't.

    17: how are things with nick now?

    MC: we're very close but definetely in a different way. at the beginning we had a lot of trouble being friends. it's easy to be a guy's friend, but once youve been together, it kind of messes things up. but i know that its not the end. maybe he'll be a best friend for the rest of my life, or maybe i'll end up marrying nick jonas! who the heck knows, i'm never going to plan it out.

    then it goes on and talks about her promise ring, being funny, and the miley and mandy show.

    it took me a LOOOOOOONG time to type that all out so i hope you  read it and pick me as best answer (: because its not made up its straight from miley!

  9. Going out on a limb I'm saying that whole image of purity Nick pretends to have....

    Thats not her style.

  10. Probably becuase Miley wanted to go public [like zanessa] &+ Nick wanted their relationship to be private.

    &+ yes, they're were together.

    On one picture, it showed Miey with her blackberry &+ her phone's light was still on.

    &+ the background one her &+ Nick making out..

    kinda weird. but they did go out.

  11. Well when they where going out, Nick found out that Miley was cheating on him. When you search online it has the news and pics of miley stripping for this other guy. Yeah I couldn't believe it either!

    Hope I helped!

    --#1 Jonas Brother fan

  12. selena gomez is defnitly the reason for nick and miley broke up

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