
Whats the reason for my amplifier in my car keep shutting off when i turn it up?

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Whats the reason for my amplifier in my car keep shutting off when i turn it up?




  1. its getting to hot. two things can cause this 1 the amp cant handle the signal going into it or cant reproduce the sound this will damage not only your amp but your speakers as well. 2 the power supply is not enough for yopur amp. if there is not enough power (12v or 24v) the amp will over heat. what its tryiny to do is make something out of nothing. that sounded rubish, let me try to explain. your amp works on power, capacitors. these are like a dam in a lake, say your power supply is water, when you turn up your stereo the dam opens up a little more letting more water out (power) if you turn it up full the dam lets out all the water and theres none left to keep it going so it stops. omg that still sounds like c**p lol. trust me you need to send more power to your amp so it can reproduce the sound more efficiently............ or its just a rubish amp lol.

  2. maybe your battery cant handle it....i suggest u check that out with your car insurance people or buy a new one

  3. Maybe you need a bigger amplifer. That is if your radio has a lot of watts then you need a bigger amplifier.

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