
Whats the reasonable score to have for someone whos only been playing golf for 10 months with no pro coaching?

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Lets say in those 10 months... they played everyweek.




  1. Thats hard to say. Roughly speaking, below 90 would be outstanding. Average would be mid 90's to 105.  Invest in some lessons.  They will do more for your game than other expences such as new clubs could.

  2. Reasonable to expect, or reasonably good?

    9 holes I would say double bogey on every hole is reasonable so about 36+18= 54 so for 18 holes maybe between a 105- 115. When you first start, well, in general, control is a big issue, you don't really have all your clubs down, so its reasonable to expect some difficultlies at first, but the more you play the more strokes will begin to fall away. Good luck and keep at it.

  3. If you're in your first year and playing using all of the rules of golf, don't expect to get under 100. Playing once a week for 10 months, assuming no range time,... 120-130.

    Don't expect to lower your score in one season becuause you play every week... it takes time so don't get discouraged. Swing nice and slow and steady... shoot for the center of the fairway and worry about distance later when your swing matures.

  4. Bogey golfer or better is reasonable I would say. In the high 90s ready to break 90!

  5. So, based on once per week playing and 3x week practice, you have been out there over 170 times.  40+ rounds, rest are practice sessions.  SWEET!

    So, assuming the following:

    1 - you have some natural athletic skills

    2 - you can learn to replicate a swing

    3 - you play a regular course (110 - 120 ratings)

    4 - you play by the rules

    I would say mid 90s is pretty on target.  I have played about 2/3 that many rounds in two years and have broken 100 just four times.

  6. 100-110 maybe.  Though golf should be easy because the ball just sits there, it takes time and practice.  Make sure to practice alot inside 100 yards, putting, chipping, all the short aspects of your game.  That's where you can make a big difference.  If you are able to, don't be afraid to get a lesson.

  7. It depends on the type of courses you are playing.  I have a 29 handicap (Woo-Hoo!).  There are some courses I can consistently break 100.  Other courses I am near 120 but have a great time because it is a great and difficult course.

    I would say between 100 and 110.

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