
Whats the reasons the maddie macann case gripped the public imagination?

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  1. Initially, because she was a cute little white kid and everyone wanted her to be found safe.  The parents seemed to be successful professionals who had it all but threw it away by neglecting the ones who needed their protection.   The bickering between the parents and authorities fueled the story.  The obsession continues because the mystery hasn't been solved.

  2. Some people love to pick on people who they think are rich. Had the McCanns been an ordinary working class family they would not have had a second mention. What many do not know is the McCanns were from a working class family living in the slums of Glasgow who both worked hard and became doctors. Something overlooked by many critics on here.

  3. happened in a foreign country so people wondered what the situation was in Portugal. Then were drip feed items in the Media that no one seemed to bother to look up at all. The public does not like anything better than to insult another nations police force over the way it conducts itself.  Happens everywhere. French media question how other legal systems handle cases involving its citizens.

  4. cos it was in the media


  5. Because a child was missing in a foreign country and they needed to broadcast it all over so if people saw her they could contact the authorities. The only problem with it is the McCann's have been lying since day one, so it wouldn't matter how many announcements of Maddeline being gone, they will never find her unless the McCann's are threatened with being in jail or the death penalty which they deserve. They are responsible for her disappearance and likely her death.

  6. How could so called caring Parents go out drinking with friends & leave their 3 children alone in their holiday apartment,

    And when she went missing, the McCanns said that they had done nothing wrong, and that all british parents left their children alone on holiday,

    How could they be so hard faced, most parents don't leave their children alone.

  7. Because nobody could understand how 2 intelligent educated people could intentionally neglect 3 little babies by leaving them alone night after night even when they knew those babies were waking up and crying for them.  Nor can anybody understand how cold and unfeeling they have been since or how they have lied and manipulated the press, public and PJ.

    Michael W, If the McCanns had been an ordinary working class family they would both have been in jail by now, they would not have celebrity status nor would they have so many influential people backing them.  And incidentally, the McCanns did NOT come from a Glasgow slum, I have no idea who told you that.   Gerry came from a council estate where his family were working class, but it was no slum.  Kate didn't even come from Glasgow let alone a slum, she's from the Liverpool area.   Perhaps that's why people overlook these so-called ''facts'' if yours.

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