
Whats the relation between india and thailand???

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i seen many indian gods in thailand.howz that happened.i know lord buddha was from india.but where did indian gods came there.




  1. Before the spread of buddhism, the SE Asia region practised "Hinduism". Thus you'll find many similarities.

  2. Indian came to China and Japan as slaves.

  3. Buddah did born in India.  

  4. There was alot of early over-lapping of kingdoms - King Ramkamhaeng of Sukhothai reportedly had his kingdom stretch into India during the 1300s - - the khmer were in sukhothai before that - lots of over-lapping..

  5. Well during the end of the Japanese occupation in Asia , Indian originally are brought over by the British to do labour jobs or as soldiers to fight the j*p in Singapore . Malaysia etc...after the end of the war , many Indians then start to migrate all over Asia to start a living , along they brought their religions to Thailand.

  6. There is a strong link between Hinduism and Buddhism as Buddhism was borne out of Hinduism.  

    Many Thais practice forms of Animism which is common practice in India and elsewhere that hinduism is practice.

    Also, Buddha never claimed to be a god, nor did he endeavor to be worshipped as such, just the way it turned out.

  7. First, Thailand is in Indo-China. As the name suggests, Thailand has been influenced by both India and China. The area which Thailand is now has been heavily under the influences by both Hindu and Buddhism long before Thailand (Siam) become the independent nation. Thailand is now a Buddhist country (more than 80 per cent of population). Lord Buddha, asides from being Indian, was a Hindu before (or may even be considered in a loose sense, still was until the day he died).

    Some students of religions would describe that after enlightenments, Buddha taught Hindu right back about Buddhism. There isn't a strict line then between Buddhism and Hinduism. The highest stages of unification between Man and God, Attaman and Paramatraman through Maya (or described in Buddhism as Avicha) in Hinduism is just the same as Nirvana in Buddhism. My reading in Hinduism prior to Buddha has found any of those (may be I'm wrong but I think this is what Buddhism taught Hinduism right back). In a loose sense of the term therefore, Buddhism is Hinduism and Vice-Versa.

    Hope you got it. But, that how Thailand and India relations are as far as Indian (or Hindu's gods) presence in Thailand. Dig deeper and you might find even more interesting staffs like in every Thai house, there's a little spiritual house that has nothing to do with Buddhism. It derived from Hinduism and require a Brama to conduct the ritual to erect the spiritual house even if the house owner is a Buddhism.

    In palace special ceremony, there requires a Brama to conduct the ceremony as well. The Hinduism entwined into Buddhism that you'll find many Thais also believe in Proma as the God who lays out people's destiny, and many more.

    I personally find Hinduism fascinating although I consider myself Buddhist.

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