
Whats the resistance of these two circuits?

by Guest32458  |  earlier

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Okay, I had to draw this one up since I can't exactly put it into words. Whats the resistance between nodes A and B for these two circuits? (Click link for picture.)




  1. 1) You have a parallel group of R3 and a series of R1 and R2.

    R123 = R12 * R3 / (R12+R3)

    First find R12

    R12 is a series of R1 and R2 so add them

    R12 = R1 + R2

    R12 = 100Ω + 220Ω = 320Ω

    R123 = 320Ω * 400Ω / (320Ω + 400Ω) = 1600/9Ω = 177.77Ω ≈ 178Ω

    2) You have a series of two parallel groups

    The first parallel group is

    R45 = R4 * R5 / (R4 + R5)

    R45 = 1kΩ * 5kΩ / (1kΩ + 5kΩ) = 5/6 kΩ

    The second parallel group is

    R67 = R6 * R7 / (R6 + R7)

    R67 = 3kΩ * 10kΩ / (3kΩ + 10kΩ) = 30/13 kΩ

    Add the two groups because it is a series

    R4567 = R45 + R67 = 5/6 kΩ + 30/13 kΩ = 245/78 kΩ ≈ 3.14kΩ

  2. A: 1/R = 1/320 + 1/400

            320 * 400 = 720R;  R= 177.78ohms

    B:  R = S + T

           1/S = 1/1k + 1/5k           S = 5k/6  =  0.83k

            1/T = 1/3k + 1/10k         T = 30k/13 = 2.3k

           R = 3.13k

  3. For the first picture should be 177.7

    For the second should be 3.13k

  4. I'm pretty sure (if I remember Ohm's law correctly ) that the resistance of figure 1 is 360 ohms, and figure 2 would be 9.5k ohms

  5. Hi there,

    Have you try these equations?

    R = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...

    (for series circuit)

    1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 +...

    (for parallel circuit)

    I think it's simple enough for you to figure it out now.

    Vote me Best Answer plzz!

  6. 1) R1 and R2 are in series, total is 320 ohms. This is in parallel with 400 ohms, total is 320*400/(320+400) = 178 ohms

    2) 2 on left are 1*5/(1+5) = 833 ohms

    2 on right are 3*10/(3+10) = 2300 ohms

    total add the two = 3133 ohms


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