
Whats the right age to have kids?

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Growing up I always told myself after 27 would be right.Because by then your almost done with college,your more financially stabled,you know what you want.

You finished up those party years and had all the fun.

I'm 21, married to the greatest Marine ever,we are here in Japan for 3 years, I have my license to teach, we are financially stabled..etc... everything that I've ever wanted...should I even try and think about having a kid now. A part of me does but then a part of me does not. I don't need to explore Japan because I've been here 5 times already.

How old where you when you had a kid? and if so would you try and redo it all over again.




  1. My son was born when I was 39. My ex wife was 37.

        The woman I'm now married to had her first when she was 19 .

    This is something each couple needs to decide for themselves . I don't believe I had the patience for a child when I was younger .

      So talk it over with your husband and decide together when and if you would both like to make children a part of your life .


  2. There is no wrong or right age.I feel like is you can financially take care of a child,and you are ready for that responsibility than go for it.A child makes a marriage complete.You only get one life.Family life is beautiful! But one thing you dont wanna do is wait until you are to old to have them.Chasing a baby is no joke!lol

  3. 18 and no regrets why wait longer than u r gonna be too old to catch up wit ur kids u r gonna look like thier grandmother and u wont kno whats new and whats not in style when ur kids r teen i would go for it now  

  4. i really think that depends on how long you have been married as well. if all of your affairs are in place and you are able to financially care for a child (and always be prepared for twins) then there is only one reason not to try. and you have to ask yourself...How is my relationship with my husband? my parents waited 2 years after marriage before having my older sister, my mom was 20 years old. bringing a child into the world is a big decision and really only something that you and your husband can decide. for myself i say that there is really no certain age that says you are ready for motherhood. it is something that you have to want and feel inside your heart. if that is the case for you than you and your husband should just talk about it. weigh the options/ pros and cons. and see what you come up with.

    just as something extra...i would want to have my children while i was young enough to enjoy them. if you wait until you are 27 then by the time you are 40 your child will only be 13, that is something to think about as well. hope i helped you.

  5. Im 19 and pregnant now. Id jsut say whenever you & your husband are ready go for it, Id jsut make sure I was financially stable. I wish you guys luck. =)

  6. i think that if u are ready now then go for it...i dont think there is a certain age thats good i think its on how prepared u are and how much time and love u can give a baby and if your with the right person.....but u sound good so go ahead

  7. 28 to 30

  8. 22-23

  9. I had always planned to wait until I was out of college and had a good job before I even got married, but life has a funny way of changing your mind about these things. I was 19 when my husband and I started trying and 20 when I had my son. Do I think we are too young? Yes, but that doesn't make it wrong. So what if I'm the youngest mom in Mommy & Me, my son gets just as much attention and love as the other kids there. My husband works a great job and makes enough money that I can stay home if I want(I just recently decided to get a job.) If I could do it over again there are things I would change, but having my son at 20 isn't one of them. I think having a child is a decision you should make when you FEEL you are ready, not when you think it's socially acceptable to do so. If you guys are ready, I say good luck and I wish you a happy & healthy 9 months!  

  10. Well I was 16 when I had my daughter. I planned her but no i wouldnt do it again even though I don't regret her I just wished I would have waited to explore my teenage years. But I love her and adore her. U know when your ready. What part of you does not?

  11. if you and your hubby think the time is right then go for it. it is a decision that y'all have to make. i am 32 and having my first. so it all depends on you.

    tell hubby thanks for supporting my freedom

  12. I don't believe that there's a right age to have kids.  I believe that you shouldn't get married until you have a responsible man and woman ready to commit to each other, with the man able to support a family.  Once that's in place, there's no reason not to go ahead and have kids; that's the way God designed it.

    When we married, I was almost 18 and my dh was almost 21.  He was in graduate school for engineering and had an assistantship that paid for tuition and gave him a salary of $19,000 a year.  Our first child was born just after our first anniversary, when I was almost 19.  Absolutely no regrets.  Our second child followed almost 2 years later, same with the 3rd and 4th, and now #5 is due just over 1 1/2 years after #4.  Very happy in the latter half of my 20s with 4 children and the 5th on the way.

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