
Whats the right fish for this tank?

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ok i have got a 4.5 gallon tank cycling right now with a heater and a internal filter doing 230 litres an hour with black pebbles small fake plants and a rock.

im more worried about the filters speed that i cant turn down.

i can use some tubing to make the output go along the lid and come down in drops but i thought they might be bothered by that...




  1. a fish meant for hardyness. Tetras.

  2. Some Goldfish Or Parrot Fish. && That little p**p sucker thing. :)

  3. goldfish, and work your way up :D

  4. i would buy a coupe of guppies

    the drip will not annoy the fish

    schooling fish such as danios and tetras need atleast 6 so your tank is too small

  5. Try a goldfish and work your way up.  :)    Just make sure the fishes don't eat each other.

  6. You could get a betta and two dwarf frogs. Or even a small school of neon tetras. Beware that 4.5 gallons is not a lot of room. Most fish require more space. I would not get a goldfish. They create a lot of waste. Stick with smaller schooling fish or bettas.

  7. At 4.5 gal two or three small fish.  Maybe a Betta, and two Danios.

  8. betta, or tetras

  9. 4.5g is pretty small and you won't be able to do much, without over doing it. Stay as far away from goldfish, suckerfish or any other large fish. I have never kept tetras in anything smaller than a 10g but you might be able to get away with a small school of them (5) with some luck. I always use live plants, so of course I would recommend adding some plants.

    Just make sure you take it slow and keep an eye on your water parameters and your tank will be great.

  10. your concern is for the tank, not for the fish. you question, should be like this, whats the right tank for this fish. well for that tank, i assume you will not put big fish in there. 1 gold fish or 2 is enough but fresh water is required. clown fish is great but salt water is required. catfish is practical, but mud water is required.

  11. The only thing you're doing is filtering cleaner water and more oxygen faster to the fish. I don't see any harm here. I'd call someone who sells fish to get an exact answer with all of your calculations etc..

  12. Blue tangs and clown fish XD

    I have them and trust me .. They're sooo FUN !

  13. I'd go to your local fish store and ask them.

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