
Whats the rudest culture/people you have been exposed to??

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not always but when i used to go to chinatown in ny i encountered the ruddest people there... they would fight for a seat in the train.. they would bump on you without apologizing. etc..




  1. People from Africa not African Americans im talking about real Africans from Africa

                     they came to our Hispanic town and there rude to us they get more breaks then whites and hispanic because they have to pray they wash there feet where you drink water yeah there gross

                but some are really nice

                          and some steal apples from our apple tree  

  2. People who can get jobs but don't want to.  They bum anything off of you and don't ever pay you back.  They think that you are wealthy if you have a job and ask for money like they think that it grows on trees.

  3. i hate to say this cause i'm korean but.... when i go to a korean grocery store with my mom sometimes, i see the rudest people. some people will literally bump into my and won't say 'sorry' or 'excuse me'. they will randomly put their carts in the middle of walkways, not to the side. they will push past you nearly knocking stuff from my hands or arms. i've seen koreans that walk into a door before you and let it shut in your face (a lot of korean guys never open doors). when you hold a door for them, they don't say 'thank you'.  

  4. Personal experience: Koreans. (the ones I met at the Korean airport, that is) My Korean neighbor is also rude, but not to me. We actually like each other.

  5. new york people

  6. Mid-western small town America, towards anyone who doesn't live there.

  7. The French hands down.

  8. People driving. I live in Massachusetts and that call them Massholes here. They do not use directionals and always cut you off.

    Also, Elderly People in the gorcery store. I am very curtious and polite I with give up my seat, or place in line or offer to help an elderly person but I have had so many experience in stores where I am there trying to get something off the shelf and the elderly person just steps right infront of me to get it or when I am heading tord something they block me with the carriage and just stand there. I am a big girl you can not miss me. I do not know why this happens to me all the time......

  9. Live in a big international city (Los Angeles, New York, Miami).  Chances are you will find that "rudeness" isn't exclusive to any specific culture or group of people.  Many people are "rude" based on what becomes "normal" to them and what they are "used to" living places.  For instance, the hustle and bustle of living somewhere fast paced and many others follow suit....not on purpose.  But out of natural human survival.  .

  10. L2 SPELL LOL

  11. new york.  new yorkers are RUDE....

  12. go in to Richmond, California, and you'll see all sorts fo rude cultures.

  13. I thought Asians were the rudest people in the world...until I met a middle easterner! They really know how to work it.

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