
Whats the saddest love poem you ever read?

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saddest love poem, or love quote, love song...




  1. Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe


    The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot

    Both are sad in different ways; the first deals with death and loss, the second with missed opportunities and regret. Enjoy!

  2. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, by Dylan Thomas.  He wrote this poem when is father was dying ... and yes, it IS a 'love poem' ... we love others besides our 'significant others' and our parents are the FIRST people we love, and the first we must say goodbye to ... I keep a copy of this poem on my bulletin board ... my parents are now dead, and I am the oldest in our family and I have NO PLANS to go 'gentle into that good night!'

  3. Home is so Sad  

    Home is so sad. It stays as it was left,

    Shaped to the comfort of the last to go

    As if to win them back. Instead, bereft

    Of anyone to please, it withers so,

    Having no heart to put aside the theft

    And turn again to what it started as,

    A joyous shot at how things ought to be,

    Long fallen wide. You can see how it was:

    Look at the pictures and the cutlery.

    The music in the piano stool. That vase.

    --Philip Larkin (1964)

  4. My poem "Close The Door"

    Close the door

    I will not be coming back again

    I will be traveling in a world of unknown

    Flying in darkness

    I can' t see

    My senses will be numb

    I will be sinking in oceans

    I will revive and float again

    I will be twisted around

    I will vanish in the space

    I will not be coming home again

    Speaks about death.

  5. one my friend wrote about a guy I loved but never asked out.

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