
Whats the safest way to kill grass so it won't harm my horses?

by  |  earlier

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im trying to make a dry lot for my horses. whats the easiest and safest way to get rid of grass, so it won't hurt my horses?




  1. rent a rototiller.

  2. pull each piece of grass up one by one with your hand!!!

  3. Turn them into the corral and let them eat all the grass.

    Use glysophate (Roundup).  

  4. I don't know how big an area you have.  If you mix white vinegar (1-3) with water and spray that kills all plants.  Also, a really cheap non-toxic version of roundup is salt water.

  5. Cover it up with thick black plastic sheeting.

    Let the sun do its work.

    Give it some time (check to see how much the grass has wilted) and it should be ready to clean up and plant in maybe a few weeks (make sure everything's good and dead before you try to pull it up.)

  6. Goats.

  7. You shall kill the grass in sections. You can buy Fertilizer like to make the grass green. If you pour it on your grass without adding water it will dry your grass completely.

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