
Whats the scariest even that has ever occured to you?

by  |  earlier

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Ghost wise...ect?




  1. i wanna die already

  2. that they are real

  3. Nothing. Ghosts don't exist. And never will. ;)

  4. Some thing bangs on my 2 story high window from time to time that **** freaking scares me but it hasn't happened in like 1 month  

  5. ok.  theres alot.  but i'll name two.

    one is when i was home alone once and i wanted to make somthing to eat so i started making spagetti  and i had the can of tomato sauce in my hand and then all of a sudden the basement door oppened and the brooms and **** hanging on the door fell off so i was like ughh and went to pick them up and hang them back up.  i still had the can in my hand and i accidently dropped it and it rolled downstairs so i turned the basement light on and went down to get it.  then as i was about to go back up the door shut and the lights turned off.  i ran up the stairs so ******* fast and ran out the house down the block to my friends house.  i still had the tomato can in my hand when i got to my friendss but i held it so tight it kinda bent.

    Then the second thing is me my best friend and my old boyfriend and my mom  and brother were sitting in my living room watching t.v and then the radio started playing an i was like ok stop brianna cuz she was sitting next to it and she was like um i didnt turn it on and i was like mhmm.  so she turned it off.  then all of a sudden we heard like an explosion in the kitchen and we were like what the h**l was that lol and we went in and the glass from the stove was shattered like someone threw a rock or somthing at it.  then we went out to the living room and the radio was on the floor broken.

    ughhh sooo scaryy >.<

  6. I got slimed.

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