
Whats the scariest/ strangest dream u've ever had??

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  1. I had a dream that i was outside and the sky was gray and dark and all of a suddon a tall dark demon thing was standing infront of me and i ran inside and in my livingroom there was a casket and inside the casket was my 6 year old cousin (who is deaf & blind in real life) and then my family members were all sobbing and crying around her casket and then they all turned to me to me and there eyes were gone and black stuff was pouring out of there eyes and they were reaching for me and then roaches were crawling all over me.

    anddd when i WOKE up it was a roach on my chest and i was screaming so loud omg that was my scariest dream everrr

  2. Navi from Legend Of Zelda Flying around my head saying "Hey Listen!"

    And another, with Chuck Norris preforming Caramelldansen.

    And possibly some others, with Bowser's left leg walking around saying "Tabbily"

  3. Well, I've had a lot of scary most scariest dreams are when I am not being able to move....I remember that I had a dream of babysitting my baby sister and younger brother and my older brother and I had to run for them because there was a flood...we tried to run for them but the flood kept getting deeper and deeper and it was obviously getting more difficult to run in deep water and then I just woke up...not the nicest dream...

    My most weirdest? I guess it's when I had a dream of falling down the stairs and landing in a bowl of red

  4. My mom showed up a my frat party wearing s**y clothes and hitting on my friends

    EWWWWWWWWWW, not a good dream

  5. my dad was a skeleton and was trying to kill me. lol i had this dream like 8 years ago and i still remember it... weird.

  6. when i was like 2 years old my favorite movie was ET, i watched it literally about 10 times a day..

    finally got over that stage, but then around the age of 8 i started getting repeating nightmares, and all about ET

    for instance, if i ever fell asleep with my arm off the bed, id have a dream i saw myself sleeping then i saw et come out from under my bed and grab my arm and pull down, id freak out and wake up with my arm off the bed and about wet myself lol

    the one i had the most was weird as h**l.. i was in a huge glass square room, that was in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night, and completly empty except for an arcade machine in the very middle which my mom and sister were playing on

    i came in through the one door and walked to the arcade thing and asked for a turn, and after playing a moment i turned around in time to see my mom and sister walking out of the room, and then standing randomly on the outside of the glass on the edge of woods was et, and id try to scream but couldnt..

    also had one where i ran up a stair case, through a straight hallway, and then up the exact same stair case in an endless loop, being chased by master roshi from dragon ball z.. till i finally got halfway up the staircase one time, turned around, didnt see him, and when i turned to keep walking up he was in the air jumping at me..

    enjoy lol

  7. wow theres alot. the most strangest perverted dream i ever had was when i was in 5th grade. i dreamt that this white girl was in a garden and she was known to make fruit juices. thing is, she made them from her v*gina. that was crazy lol and this old man with a dirty looking beard actually put his glass under her vcard, and she pressed her vcard and orange juice came out, it was CRAZY! she had blond hair, she was pretty, and she wore a white gown but she had on no underwear.

  8. When I was very little, I had this re-occurring dream. I'm playing in my sandbox, and this huge mechanical fire breathing dragon eats me. I am then trapped in it's belly alive, and the only light is a the faint glow from a red light bulb. I would always wake up screaming. My parents told me that I didn't play in the sandbox for about a year after that.

  9. I was driving on a highway back home and my car stopped working and then I looked for a tool to fix it with but it was under an overpass.  Then I stumbled into a room where this crowd of people were and we were in front of a space capsule entrance.  I had a floppy disk in my hand with a bag of some clothes.

    The guard looked like a bald Seth Green.  He told me not to go through the gate.  I threw the floppy disk into the gate and it disappeared in a laser shot.

    They pointed me towards a hallway with rooms.  And a movie theater.  They said we were leaving Earth forever.  I wanted to go back home.

    Some guys suggested we go see a movie.  I sat in a theater for a little bit and I asked someone when we'd be going back home.  They said "Never again"  I got upset and wondered where we were going.  Someone replied "a new Earth 35 lightyears away"

    I cried

    Then I went into my room and cried some more thinking that I'd never go back to my home planet.

    Woke up shortly after.

  10. always the ones where you can't wake up

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