
Whats the silliest thing u were scared of when u were little? :] put ur signs 2??

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i used 2 be scared of the boogey man LOL. :] and i thought beetlejuice was real & if u said his name 3 times he would come and take me away from my family! then i was scared that everytime i took a bath i was going to go down the drain!!

aquarius w/ leo rising

tell me about u!!




  1. I used to be afraid of horror and scary movies. or anything with blood and violence. And I still am.

    Pisces with aries rising

  2. I used to have an irrational fear of my balcony window in my room. I had a bad dream that it had an evil energy around it and tried to kill me...So I could never sleep from then on in fear that it would truly happen. Every time I had to walk by the window at night, I would run quickly.

    Libra w/Libra Rising

  3. i wuz scared of CLOWNS...actually.....i still

    im a cancer

  4. Sag

    and when i was little i would cover my whole body under the covers and tuck my head in so that when the army men broke into my house they would not see me because my blanket protected me.

    There was also a monster under my bed so i would run and jump into my bed so he would not get me, I slept on a queen sized water bed, lol. Only 1 foot of under bed...

  5. I would always out all the blanket on me since I was afraid of a witch...

    We used to live in this apartment on the 3rd floor,and my room was huge and by many windows.Near one of the windows there was like a cable.I thought it meant a witch was going to come and get me o.O

  6. I was afraid of playing video games by myself, I thought they were gonna come out of the TV and kill me. T.T

    And the Grinch from how the Grinch stole Christmas cause I thought he was gonna kidnap my mom LOL

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  7. Oh god. I wasn't scared of the boogy man, or monsters, or clowns, like any normal child would, but instead,

    I was scared of pigeons.

    They just completely terrified me. I mean, the red eyes just creeped me out. And the way they moved their necks disgusted me. Their walk, their little bodies, everything about them haunted me. I always crossed the street when I saw one.

  8. when my mom told me santa claus came in every december 24th, i used to cry myself to sleep because i thought he take me away since i used to hit my brother a lot. :-)


    virgo moon

    taurus asc.

  9. I'm still afraid to let my arms or legs hang off the side of the bed when I'm going to sleep and I'm still afraid to say Candyman 5 times whether I'm in front of a mirror or not. I'm also still afraid to look in my closet at night because the clothes hanging on the hangers may start to move.

  10. Lol a mouse!

    But not anymore of course

    Aries w/ Virgo Rising

    Aries Sun

  11. I used to be terrified of the dark (when by myself)--I still am--but a littles less scared.

  12. My dad's bathrobe. LEO

  13. This is so silly, but my mom told me that i was scared of zebras when i was little.

    I could not believe it when she told me!

    She told me that when she was looking through an animal book with me(i loved animals growing up) she turned to a page featuring a zebra.

    The next thing she knew i just shot out of that room without another glance!

    Everyone was laughing when she told that story.

    She asked if i remembered that happening.

    I swear i can't remember anything.

    Sometimes i wonder why i was scared of zebras.

    Oh well i guess i'll never know :)

    Scorpio w/ Sagittarius moon

  14. Strange thing: I used to be afraid of freakish people with green and purple hair with piercings everywhere... ironic that I kind of am one now.

    I was afraid of the kid that was obsessed with freddy Kruger in grade school (he used to chase the rest of us around with his imaginary freddy claws.)

    I was afraid of oddly colored bugs with spindly looking legs.

    And although it isn't seen as a politically correct thing, I used to hide in bushes, behind buildings, and under tarps when I saw my mentally retarded neighbor around... he scared me for some reason.

    I was kind of afraid of horses. (though I showed them, I was still afraid of them.

    Also Clowns, Thundercats, people with tattoos, fire, murky water, snakes, old people, basements, cobwebs, the dark, midgets, circular saws, any kind of old machinery, large cement pipes that went underground, pigs, people with tracheal voice boxes, african hookworms, swallowing gum, bees, bees in my soda, and slimey troll goblins.

    I'm a leo, I don't know the moon thing.

    I've gotten over all of that, exept for clowns... I'll never lose that fear.

  15. wow don't laugh but I was terrified by know that brown hairy weird looking alien with the long nose who lived with the family?

    wow....boy he creeped me out big time.

  16. mirrors definately at night....from that bloody mary story....but i thought that even *thinking* her name while i past the mirror would make her come out and tear me to pieces!!!  Oh and this scary version of alice in wonderland it was live people playing the parts and there was a scary dragon at the end with lights for eyes...I had nightmares forever about that one!

    aquarius sun

    taurus moon

    cancer rising

  17. I was afraid of talking animals, real and stuffed, I also was afraid of the disney movie 'James and the Giant Peach' I guess I was afraid of talking insects too!

    Virgo sun. Cancer moon. Libra rising.

  18. Math.

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

    Edit: Is that you in your pic, Emmie? That looks like Kairi from Kingdom Hearts 1.

  19. I was afriad that every time i flushed hte toliet a vampire would come out

    i dont even know where that came from.....

    Im a capricorn

  20. i used to be afraid of butterflies. don't ask. ^_^

    now i love 'em. i mean, c' user name is 'shady butterfly' for pete's sake.

    -cancer w/ aries rising

  21. There was this movie called "Dot and the Kangaroo" (I am betting I am the only person who has ever seen it since no one seems to know what it is) and in that movie there was this really scary ghostly creature called "The Bunyip" and there was this really scary song that was played with it. It scared the living daylights out of me and I slept with the light on for a long time. I really thought that thing was going to come and get me.  I was also afraid to go to the bathroom by myself when I was really little because I was afraid the toilet was going to swallow me up.  LOL  Cute question!

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