
Whats the strangest thing/dream you've ever experienced? list more than one if youd like:)?

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Whats the strangest thing/dream you've ever experienced? list more than one if youd like:)?




  1. Where to start, where to start........First of all, I have the STUPIDEST dreams ever. Lol. Here's some....

    1) Me, my friend, and my family were on an inflatable cruise ship with a ski slope running through it.  It was after the ski slope's hours, and me and my friend were sitting next to the slope.  I asked her, "Do you want to go sledding on the slope?"  She screamed out "I'm too little! I'm too little!" over and over again (Which is random because she's the same age I am and she's not a little kid).  So I said ok and started sledding.  Suddenly, the ship started to deflate all around me, until it started to get all around me.  Then it popped back out to normal.  My parents came running out of an auditorium that was right next to the slope and they yelled, "Guess what Amber?  Because the cruise ship deflated, we've got double travel points!"

    2) I went through this tornado phase where I dreamed about tornadoes.  There was one dream though, that was extremely stupid.........(lol)  So there's this tornado.  With eyes.  It's big.  Oh, and did I mention that it followed me everywhere I went???  So everywhere I went in my dream, a giant tornado followed me.  Yay for me.

    3) Once I dreamed that I found my long-lost belt, hanging in my closet from a hanger.  The next day, after I woke up, I was really convinced I had found my belt.  So I went to my closet, and I went to go pull my belt out.  LOL.  Guess what?  It wasn't there!

    I have a ton dreams can be anything from doing simple tasks (such as finding a belt) to a tornado following me around.  Hope at least 1 of these entertained you!

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